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RE: It’s Getting Serious in Here

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I like you. I just like to argue in a friendly way.

What I want to say, bitcoin is a combination of 3 main inventions that were there before. Satoshi just put them together and created and economic mechanism.
Those inventions are cryptographic signatures, blockchain and proof of work.
Thanks to these 3, he created something digital, scarce and decentralized (impossible to switch off) for the first time.

Just like engine without the machine is useless, blockchain without the cryptography and proof of work is useless.

Just like you said, engine is improving every day, just like the bitcoin.

And Lighting network will be (hopefully) the invention that makes it go mainstream. We both know right now, Bitcoin is just a better version of gold.

If the LN starts beining used and it fails to deliver the promise of fast and almost free easy transaction - I will evaluate my opinion of Bitcoins future.
However there are hundreds of bright minds working all day long to make LN work and make it work perfectly.

We shall see soon. Its still few years away to get the mainstream adoption.


It's good to argue with people, that way you learn new aspects.
And what comes to LN, I sure hope that it will do what it's promised to do!
But I think it's wise not to put all your eggs in one basket ;) That's why I have several cryptos. I need to get more btc soon, atm I have 0 .