Project - Platform on which decentralized application (DApp) developers & services can create & shape the future of blockchain technology. A module can be coded using many different popular programming languages e.g. Visual Basic, Java, C++ etc.
Why Buy?
Active widespread social network community
Comprehensive detailed roadmap should increase price
Currently only about $0.13, has traded as high as $0.78 :)
Every time a STATIC node gets Registered, the overall Circulating Supply decreases - raising the value of those remaining coins
Real service, operational for a year
Check this game out, look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income. The game has passed the crypto kitties game on the Dapp Radar. The smart contract is coded to tax 10% of the ETH. when users purchase the (P)roof (O)f (W)eak (H)ands tokens and divides the ETH. tax to people who are already holding and also 10% of when users sell “20% total”. The name of the game is to hold as long as you can while you get earnings from the constantly taxed “Strong hand” buys and the taxed “weak hand” sells. If you don’t want to play anymore, you can pull out all your earnings all at once but with a 10% tax fee that gets divided to the stronger hands. This is what the ERC-20 smart contract is programed to do. Doesn’t hurt to look at the contracts open source code at least, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.
Better be careful with XBY. Looks a lot like a scam since there is nothing published yet but told a lot. They pretend having something totally new and revolutionary thought they are empty handed.
Only news are regarding a graphical update to a client or a new website. You have never seen anything blockchain related working except the old testnet.