Portfolio update 28.11.2017

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

After such a great events in cryptospace, almost anyone who invested in cryptos had profist last week, and this week included. With bitcoin reaching 10 000 USD all time high, others are skyrocketing too: Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin. More and more news are about bitcoin and cryptos on mass media.... So let's not wait, and go to my recent balance in trading portfolio.


As we can see from the pic my trading capital is at all time high in both: Bitcoins and US Dollars. That is mainly for two reasons: very profitable trading last few days + Bitcoin ballooning to 10k so the price in dollars soared too.

My main trading coins this week were:

  1. PowerLedger - lots volume, volatile coin, with great potential in the future, so investors have been swarming to this coin. At the moment the price is going down slowly, but I believe that the price spring back soon.

2)BlackCoin - not that much volume here, but price spikes and jumps up and down very often, so great chance to make profits right there.

  1. OKcash - Last week have been rising sharply, and getting lots attention. Looks like now it's cooling down slowly.

  2. UBIQ - low volume compared with other coins, but lots spikes and prices changes, with opportunities to enter the coin on low prices and sell on highs.

  3. Monaco + TenX - great for short term trading (1hr or so), because prices changed with some higher volumes. Now these two coins getting less attention, because of Bitcoin all time high, etc.

Let's see some coins in details....





As we can see from the charts, all the coins I have been trading recently had high volatility in terms of prices, so they were perfect for day trading.

My next target: Reach 200 USD in my portfolio on December!



Intresting article keep going!!!