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RE: New Easy and Profitable Cryptocurrency Can be Mined From Web Brpwser!!!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I also saw that you are interrested into Cryptocurrencies and security, if you want to be part of this project you can contact me (you can find my twitter account in my presentation post) ; )No problems. If you want I'm trying to create a new mining website for nimiq (as I sayed in my last message) for the moment I only create a miner which have a sponsoring option (you got 5% of the nimiqs mined by the people you're sponsoring) (I'm sorry the website is in french and I didn't translate it yet).


You're good bro, Chrome autotranslates which is nice =). And yeah sure I'd love to help. I have a strong lack of a twitter accpunt though.