Is Altercoiner a scam

easily invest" in alt currencies. Investments take the form of bitcoins and altcoiner provides up to 5% return on investment per DAY. If this sounds ridiculous.. it probably is. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Here are some simple facts:Altcoiner ( is a business that offers users the ability to "

  • Bitcoins cannot be returned by legal means - If the company decides to run away with your investment. There is no legal means to return you funds
  • Alt currencies do not consistently grow by 5% a day - in fact sometimes they fall. There is no way to use Alt currencies to guarantee a daily return.
  • Alternative Limited hasn't been filing the annual returns since 2014 - Company search revealed that Alternative Limited hasn't been filing mandatory annual returns since 2014
  • Alternative Limited is owned by a single director who lives in Nepal - Hisi Bajracharya (real name) has been identified as the sole director of the company.

For those interested, the Hong Kong goverment keeps records of the details of directors of companies. Here is the information for Altcoiner (Alternative Limited):

[caption id="attachment_472" align="alignnone" width="1320"] Details of Altcoiner director[/caption]



Won't get caught by that scam now. Thank you.
Does Hong Kong Government keep records of all company directors, even non HK Companies? Nepal isn't in HK why does it know about Nepal?

I invest 0.05BTC and withdraw 0.07 BTC so far...

Thanks for this great and comprehensive article. I was looking at Altcoiner and decided to check out Steemit to see if it had been reviewed. Your time and research is very much appreciated.