Decentralized and Secured Connection

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Did you know that someone is watching you?

What you do, what you search, what you watch. Everything! The privacy over internet is one of the most controversial topic over internet. Most of the people are wondering if there is someone really can see what you are doing over the internet or what you are doing, the answer is YES!Most of the internet providers have a connection to government where in the service providers needed to give information about it’s users, also the device you are using and your cellular providers can record what you are doing through your devices.

But we can use a VPN right?

Yes it’s true that VPN can be used to avoid those kind of tracking against you but there are some disadvantage in using the VPN such as:

  • Cost. Even though there are some free VPNs their security is not guaranteed since there are only limited countries and data for a free VPN
  • Legality. There are some countries that considers using VPN an illegal act.
  • Speed. By using VPN might have some effect on the speed of your internet and in most cases it slows down your internet speed.
  • Bypassing. It can’t bypass all the restrictions on the internet.

Then what should I use?

UTOPIA. First of all you may be asking if it’s free and I can proudly say that it’s FREE! With Utopia you are able to bypass online censorship and firewalls, meaning that you are free to communicate with whoever you want whenever you want. Your physical location cannot be revealed. Communication and data cannot be intercepted by 3rd party. All account data is stored on Utopia user’s local device in encrypted file using 256-bit AES encryption.Utopia allows users to send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels, make and accept payments denominated in Utopia’s minable cryptocurrency Crypton. Other features include API.


With Utopia you can send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels, news feeds and conduct a private discussion. A channel can be geotagged using integrated uMaps which simplifies Utopia channel search and adds an additional security layer. As a result there is no need to use public map services which are known to collect your data to feed Big Data massives.uMail is a decentralized alternative to classic e-mail. No servers are used for mail transmission or storage. uMail account, that is created in a minute, enables unlimited messaging and attachment storage. Utopia eco-system encryption guarantees the security of mail transmission and storage. Your uMail, as an internal part of Utopia, cannot be blocked or seized.All financial functionality can be found in Utopia built-in uWallet: make and accept instant payments denominated in Utopia mineable cryptocurrency Crypton, accept payments at your website, pay by Crypto Cards without revealing your identity or bill fellow Utopia users for your services.Other features include API and console client for fast and easy integration.Utopia Network includes a safe alternative to traditional Domain Name System (DNS) called Utopia Name System (uNS). This is decentralized registry of names that are impossible to expropriate, freeze or corrupt by 3rd-party. Once registered it is your property for infinity.uNS combined with Packet Forwarding functional allow to tunnel any kind of data between users in eco-system, making possible to host different types of resources including websites inside Utopia Network. Utopia has built-in Idyll browser to view websites within Utopia peer-to-peer network. Idyll is a great alternative to TOR browser.There are many other amazing features you will enjoy like voice encryption, tons of stickers and smiles, multiplayer games, collaboration and organizing tools.

What are the cons using this powerful software?

Even though this is a powerful device there are still cons about this software such as:

  • It’s only available in desktop for now and there is no mobile version yet.
  • It’s still on beta phase


We are really not secured over the internet and not only the government who have the power to gain access but also an individual who may do harm to your account and to you as well.The 1984 Group created a free, decentralized, secured and anonymous software that can be used by anyone not for their own benefits but for everyone's benefit. The Utopia was not an alternative solution for the existing problem we are facing but the SOLUTION for our problems. To learn more to use this project visit 


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