I was recently asked if I thought IOTA would replace the Euro?
The answer was just too big so I decided to do a post on it.
Our civilisation is heading for a change in the economy the like the world has never seen in its entire history. Economists, bankers, financiers and Governments all know this.
After the 2008 financial crash there was no turning back.
2008 was the 9/11 of the financial world.
It basically proved that human-beings simply can not be trusted to run the economy because they simply can not control their own greed.
Things had to change because the world can not afford another crash again because next time it would be 100 times worse. This still could happen and if it did it would be financial armageddon.
Mass unemployment, mass starvation, cilvil unrest and possibly civil war.
After the 2008 crash no one knew how to fix the mess or even had the will.
So everyone just tried to ignore it or went on hoping it would get better even though they knew it was only going to get worse. Talk about the blind leading the blind straight over the edge fiscal cliff.
Then came Bitcoin and the idea took off right under the noses of the so called financial experts.
Bitcoin was ridiculed but so are all great ideas in the beginning.
I don't see so many experts laughing anymore.
The financial elite has begun to see their power seriously under threat. Only three years ago Jamie Dimon would never have even mentioned Bitcoin considering it as not being worthy of his time. Now he goes around the world attacking it. This only proves that Bitcoin is working.
Bitcoin is forging the path for the future but IOTA will own the path and create new ones.
If we went back 1000 years, gold, silver, peals and even rare seashells, were used as a form of economy. But then came the idea of paper money because gold and sliver were too heavy to carry. Bitcoin is like the gold and silver but IOTA will be like the paper money. The only difference is that no one be will be able to control /manipulate it like we have now with fiat money.
I remember Chris Ellis of ProTip once saying: "In the future it will no longer be about fighting evil, it will be about making the tools to stop us from doing evil".
That was a clue to the way the Crypto-technology is going to do just that. I think of it like those bumps in the road outside a school to force people to slow down.Putting signs did not work. "Some" people ignored these signs and ended up running over our children. So we put in bumps and selfish individuals were forced to do the right thing. Sadly this selfishness in human-beings is what has led to the need to re-invent money. To create a new kind economy to stop people like Jamie Dimon and his bankster friends from manipulating the economy so that it is just for the crooked elites.
Governments and Bankers hate Bitcoin because it embarrasses them.
They are embarrassed that they did not think of it themselves and we the people adopted it without their permission. How dare we!
Bitcoin sends them a message that; "We don´t need you. We are doing quite fine without you thank you very much".
My gut instinct tells me that this will lead to some kind of backlash against the crypto world.
Many laugh at this but I don not. I mean, honestly, who has ever defeated the state?
Governments can see for that crytpocurrrency works but dare not say it.
So what are the Governments and the bank choices?
Well they could not only ban Bitcoin but all crypto currencies. However, this would not only be almost impossible to police but possibly cause a backlash against governments on an unprecedented scale. After all, there are billions of dollars involved now. That´s a lot of people getting upset with losing their investments.
It would also open the door to poorer countries such a s Africa to adopt Bitcoin making them grow rich.
Oh no we can't have that : (
Banning cryptocurrency is not practical. Therefore it is more likely they would make people pay for a "license" and tax it to death. This would also have consequences that could damage the government.
Could they create their own Bitcoin?
I am certain many Governments are looking into this. I know ny own Governmnt here in Norway are talking about an ecoin which, as I understand it, would work similar to that of Monero, only more transparent I guess.
A Government created cryptocurrency would have the law behind it and the sheeple would be forced to accept it. But then any Government doing this would set off a chain reaction around the world for other countries to create their own. I recently heard rumours of China looking into this now. But then we would be back to the beginning again of having numerous economies all fighting for dominance. And it would mean the US Govt would have to let go of the mighty dollar and that seems unthinkable.
Whatever the case, the powers that be will not go down without a fight and we all now that when the people fight their Governments it is never pretty.
No one is really sure what will happen but history shows that there has to be some sort of economy. Meaning, a way for people to interact with a form of portable transferable store of value.
I believe Governments will eventually realise they will have to let go of the control of money but find other ways to "manage" civilisations instead of wanting "power" over them.
Everything is about to change.
In the very near future, and for the first time in history, machines are going to take away most of out jobs and therefore join in with the economy.
Autonomous Machines and Ai machines will pay their own bills to other machines as well as to us humans. And we humans will pay our bills to machines as well as to each other.
In a world like this there needs to be a mutual token of value everyone and everyTHING can agree on.
Now, look what is happening with IOTA
Many car companies are looking to working/integrating with IOTA for their future autonomous vehicles.
And who do we know has always had a close contact with the car companies?
The Government.
We all know that quantum computers are just around the corner.
Only last month China teleported the first photon qubits over hundreds of miles miles to in six input states demonstrating that quantum teleportation is universal.
This is the beginnings of the quantum internet.
At this stage in the game, only IOTA would be capable of working in this futuristic world. Therefore it seems logical, IMO, that Governments would join with the car industry, jump onto the quantum revolution and choose IOTA as the base economy and thus sweep the rug from under Bitcoin. Considering there are car companies all over the world this could be the very thing that forces this decision upon the world.
IOTA will be a tool that will help stop us from doing evil.
It will connect us all, human consciousness as well as Ai consciousness. It will be the thing that binds us all together.
So the answer to the question: Will IOTA replace the Euro?
Well I believe IOTA will replace all fiat money and become the first official
crytpo economy of the planet.

How much do I believe this.?
Well so far I have invested $1500 and while the price of Bitcoin is going up and other crypto-currencies are suffering I will buy even more while it is a t a bargain price.
What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience.
If you like what I post you are welcome to follow me so you can read more. You could also give me a friendly upvote to help motivate me. It only costs you a click. And don't forget, every time you vote, part of the money goes back to you. So its a win win situation.
A warm welcome back in advance.
I really should invest in some IOTA while the price is so low but Bitcoin looks like it is going to the moon just now.
Be careful it will probably retrace soon-ish...but yes it is definitely on a bull run ATM...5700!!! It went up $300 since I last checked yesterday. And I don't even have 1 satoshi yet! Smh...fml...
Haha great post interesting thoughts
@arthuradamson - technically the banks did think of a digital currency first (at least their centralized versions such as bitgold). The problem was that they couldn't solve the problem of the double spend. Satoshi did that by linking encumbrances using SHA256 to generate a network effect for confirmations. In the process the middleman became obsolete.
How do you invest in IOTA? I saw the white paper on the site but it looks like it's and ICO at this point. I was looking into something similar with EOS, but the USA has restrictions causing EOS to require a VPN...
Yes you are right. I can just about remember about that bitgold. I wa not so interested in the economy in those days but yes you are quite right. And of course that is what lead to Satoshi working on the double spend problem. Great point : )
I looked at EOS as well, and as much as I like the guy who is behind them my gut instinct is for IOTA.
I honestly feel Governments will come to like IOTA due to its relationship with the future autonomous car industry´s future. The will see it as "not losing face". Politicians are egotistical creatures and will now wish to concede to bitcoin.
IOTA is the only crypo token that does NOT have transaction fees and there are no miners. It is the "sending" of the coin that is actually the mining of the coin thus cutting out the middle man (miners) Miners can in some sense manipulate and control when and how much it will cost you to send a coin. This cant happen with IOTA.
You can buy IOTA in Bitfinex. I think it will hold steady for a while. It might go down a little while Bitcoin is going through this next fork but then it will rise again. I think it will have a bit of a boom in the spring and summer of next year. If it goes down more still I will buy even more.
Great feedback @zoidsoft : )
@arthuradamson Do you need a VPN to use Bitfinex from the US? Is it more a case of you should use one rather than you need one?
Ah yes perhaps you are right. I forgot the US are spying on its citizens and the banks are quaking in their pants over Bitcoin. I live in Norway, freedom is perhaps more respected here I dont know.
I can not give you an answer about that just now but I will do some research on it as it is a good question and one that the answer should be shared if it has not been already. I know one or two clever tech guys on here whom I can check with.
I would not worry too much as yet. I have a feeling Poloniex will also have IOTA quit soon. In the mean time IOTA will down down in price while the Bitcoin fork is coming. Traders dump their altcoins to ride the Bitcoin train and then they buy back their alt coins while they are cheap and then the price goes back up again.
"Autonomous Machines and Ai machines will pay their own bills to other machines as well as to us humans": this is a revelation, sir. Wow. So AI's may be looked at as individuals (which is in fact the greatest danger we face as humans, this very realization, which causes a potential for splitting of agendas) who can produce and consume along with humans in society to help keep capitalist economies afloat. Fact is truly stranger than fiction. First was to get women out of the house and into the workforce, second are the desktops...
I don't understand why the chart of leading AI-driven vehicle companies doesn't include Tesla? On the same note I also don't understand why the list of AI-replacing jobs doesn't include delivery people/couriers (definitely getting replaced), or a multitude of other jobs like stock brokers, computer engineers/scientists, surgeons, dentists, etc., etc.,
Can I ask for the URL sources for these two images, pretty please? Not trying to call you out-- just curious. I loved the article! Thanks.
Ai does not concern me or frighten me at all. Human beings have emotionally driven agendas, such as greed and power. Ai will not have any of those things. It is we who are projecting or wicked way onto them. Often in life, the very opposite happens to what we believe will happen.
The two charts were a little out of date which is why Tesla was not on that list. I just wanted to give a general idea to where we are heading.Thanks glad you liked the post @returnofbonsens : )
I have a very hard time picturing the world without fiat currencies and don't see the powers that be allowing it to ever happen. But can crypto take a serious step forward and become more accepted payment method...sure with some serious work. Right now transactions speeds would become cripplingly slow if they even thought to approach just the volume of Visa, forget all the other payment methods. This needs to be addressed. Security is great, but when standing in line at the store the last thing you want is to add 45 seconds or more per transaction.
Being how new this technology is this will get sorted out and scaling will happen. Just talk about taking over the world is very premature just on the technology side...forget the other hurdles that are standing in the way. If the tech gets more widely accepted there are massive profits to be had and that is why we speculate.
You make a good point about transactions times and that is one of the things that IOTA will be better than Visa. IOTA technology is designed to work faster the more people that use it. It is called "Tangle". It will make Visa look like an old donkey.
Secondly, Visa etc. will not be be secure on quantum computers. A quantum computer will be able to break a cryptography code in seconds. Only IOTA is designed to be secure on quantum networks. It honestly looks like the guys at IOTA have thought of everything.
Bitcoin will not survive unless it can advance to a quantum computer environment. But of course it cant because blockchain technology will be out of date and not secure.
But I agree, there are major hurdles to come over first and this is the part Bitcoin has to play in this whole historical period we are living in
Great comment @thedakrhorse : )
Bitcoin IMO is very much "Old Guard" holding onto it's legacy. If they don't make some real advancements they can be worthless in the future. We aren't talking about a slow drop, it will be a freefall that will leave many in it's wake. I have no doubt that better tech will take over and make bitcoin completely obsolete.
Food for thought on that, only 12% of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955 were still on the list 59 years later in 2014. Most of the companies on the list in 1955 are completely forgotten about companies today that once ruled the world. Those changes happened when advancements went at a snails pace compared to changes in tech, and I feel changes in tech overall will have happened at a snails pace compared to what the next 10 years will bring.
We likely can be talking to someone in 10 years that is new to investing that has never heard of Bitcoin if it doesn't evolve with advancements in the tech. Right now it's transaction speeds are a joke and their fees are way to high.
IOTA will be something I need to do more research in as speed was my concern and I didn't grasp the Tangle concept. Price per coin is low, but there are a shit ton (my technical term) of coins out there. The sheer volume of coins turned me off previously...but maybe it's time to get past that.
I pretty much agree with you.
When Bitcoin falls it will be at free fall speed.
I think most of the new investors dont actually know much about the the tech behind Bitcoin, like how the blockchain actually works, and they are merely jumping on the bandwagon. But as time goes by they will "wise up" and realise that Bitcoin is already way out of date.
The "Tangle" is really hard to your head around and Im currently studying it so I can do a "Tangle simplified" post.
I am passionate about IOTA and will be doing a few posts on it to keep interested people up to date on any happening an well as explanations of features.
Interesting what you said about the Fortune 500, make sense really.
Thanks for the great feedback :)
The new investors is actually what scares me most. They are fickle and expect to get rich overnight. When things start to drop they tend to pull their money and force things to go even lower then they should on simple pullbacks. Then they wait and if it starts to rebound they buy high again.
At some point they get sick of the ride and pull everything (many times because the spouse is sick of the losses). They get the "if it drops one more time sell it all and get our money back" ultimatum.
I've seen this many times when clients try to do some investing on their own vs letting the pros take care of things. Emotions rule for them and that is never a good thing.
Small dips should be buying opportunities, not time to panic. Large run ups aren't time to buy more, they are likely time to sell a percentage to lock in profits and then wait for a dip to purchase more.
Look forward to the posts on Tangle!
Brilliant description of "new investors" my friend you tell it exactly how it is spot on. They let their emotions dictate their actions. You just ca not do that when dealing with money or finance.
Saying that, when I started trading in crypto I was doing the same thing lol : )
I made a lot of mistakes that way and had to earn fast if I was to make any profits. Jeeez I was so impatient those days. Now I see the bigger picture and play the long game. For example I bought some Bitcoin the other day to ride the fork train that is coming. It went up last night and IOTA has gone down. I think IOTA and other altcoins will go down too and I will just buy more while the price is cheap. I would never have done that when I first started:
Yeah I am working on that "Tangle" post as we speak..
So good chatting with you @darkhorse I can see you have some knowledge in the trading space yourself you dark horse : )
Also followed you, look forward to reading more of your thoughts on IOTA
Nice one. Followed back :)
I think a new fiat will probably be born in crypto. Bitcoin is not the new fiat, but it may be the new gold. The reasons that fiat will be digital are many; but there is definitely a war on cash going on (see India bans large notes, notice the digital revolution even withe cards before crypto). Banks don't want to lose savings deposits when they finally start pushing negative interest rates to try to kickstart the economy for one. There are also a number of ways that digital currencies and smart contracts can facilitate commerce and therefore also kickstart the economy. Just the implications of the technological abilities alone that are coming to light are enough to put money bags in the eyes of the government, big banks, etc., so if anything I think they see it as an advantage not a threat. This is becoming more and more clear as we see Jaime Dimon rescind his comments and even allow a spokesperson to admit they are interested in Bitcoin now...Putin endorses Ethereum...the IMF talks about creating a blockchain, etc., etc., I think large institutions will not directly oppose BTC/ETH but endorse and create others that have the intention of dominating over it.
@returnofbonsens I think you are probably correct about crypto becoming the new currency and it will be backed by governments around the world. It will be on a platform that allows the government to track everything and tax everything...remove cash sales and tax revenues jump. The governments of the world are always trying to figure out how to tax cash transactions more efficiently and the best way is to remove cash from the general public.
Good informations and updates @arthuradamson, nice assessment and overview about Bitcoin and IOTA. Thanks for sharing such a useful info.,
Great, glad you got something from it. You know I am passionate about IOTA.
I will be doing more about IOTA product partnerships in my next crypto blog :)
Bitcoin is going crazy and growing rapidly and thats a good sign for now
Wow! What a great post. IOTA has got to be one of my favorite coins and I believe one of the most udervalued ones at the moment (despite the token amount). The tangle brings blockchain development to a whole new level, and if it works the potential to change the crypto world is huge.
I also believe that there will be a war between the banks and the cryptoworld, since the nature or cryptocurrencies is that with growing popularity and user base the banks are loosing customers, power and control. It will be a hard battle that will demand a winner, the free spirit of the cryptospace or all bans, regulation, taxations, laws the governments/banks can come up with to supress it. It is up to us to be strong and united as a crypto-community and fight for what is right!
Hey great to meet a fellow fan of IOTA :)
I totally agree with you on many things here.
IOTA will be a game changer it is only people have not grasped why yet. But they will. This is why the prices is still relatively low. I reckon once the Bitcoin hype dies down IOTA will be the next big thing. And Steem of course :)
Thanks for the positive feedback @cryptonik : )
Great to meet you too @arthuradamson, keep up the great work!
Good preent
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Very interesting and informative post! Looking forward to learning more. There's a new light on the horizon #cof!
@arthuradamson, Just investing some money on IOTA. I have read your previous blog and this one too as well. I have understood your view point on it. So Today's post got me some extra energy to understand more about the science behind cryptocurrency specially in bitcoin and IOTA. Thanks you very much for your research. Keep researching on it and getting update us. Stay blessed!
That was a wise investment my friend.
You will not be sorry : )
Keep tight hold of them and it will pay for your retirement one day.