Dont worry too much about that.
It is true that Bitfinex had problems last year but now I trust them more because once bitten twice shy - they have tightened up their security a great deal since then. One year in the crypto space is a lifte time.
hackers tend to go for the big accounts and IOTAs price is so low at the moment I dont worry too much about them being target. It is the Bitcoin accounts that need to worry.
When IOTA begins to rise during the first months of 2018 then it might be time to be more concerned.
In the mean time, here is a link to where you can get an IOTA wallet:
The one you want depends on if you use a Mac or a PC?
Thanks Arthur, most helpful.
I'm on a Mac so I've downloaded to being Light node or Full node and now I don't know!! I'm feeling full node, but thought I should check before clicking the wrong one!
It would be amazing if IOTA could be included in Exodus wallet sometime soon, using their shapeshift to exchange inside the wallet is so easy and would probably increase the amount of people buying it.
Thanks again. :)
OK great Michelle
Here is a link to a youtuber who shows you how to install an IOTA -
I think it is for the light wallet but Im not sure - the host is a funny guy who basically makes vlogs for crypto beginners so it is easy to follow, he is really good actually.
I think you will find it helpful.
Peronally I like the light wallet because you get the seed. This is invaluable because if your mac goes down and you lose all your data, as long as you have the seed sentence, you can still get all your funds back. It gives a great sense of security. I had a "core" wallet with DASH (no seed) a while back and my macbook went down and I lost all the data. I had not backed up the wallet and I lost all the dash coins -I still own some dash bit those I lost are gone forever - they are worth about $3000 today - ouch!
Hard lesson learned.
Good question about the Exodus wallet - I will ask the IOTA team about that . I know a guy who is on the team. I will get back to you on that one.
Oh thanks Arthur, what a star, video and all! Most helpful! :)
I've watched and decided I will leave it until the morning now, not sure I've downloaded the right version so will start a fresh!
Thanks for the info about needing to choose the 'seed' version', most important and so sorry to hear you lost all your dash $3000 ouch, yes!
I watched a video about security done by someone who had his mac stolen and lost several bitcoins that he'd bought very early on - also ouch!
I do find being in control of the seeds a bit freaky! I guess we're so used to thinking banks etc are looking after our money for us!!
It would be wonderful if IOTA was accepted on Exodus, thanks for checking it out. :)
Very wise to wait Michelle - If you need any more help dont hesitate to ask -
Thanks Arthur, most appreciated. If I get stuck I'll be back! :)
Success!! I couldn't face going there yesterday, and probably wise not to on halloween!
The newest version didn't give a seed, so I did have to go back to the version stated in the video to get a seed and then update, so great to have the video and that information.
I transferred from Bitfinex to the IOTA wallet and all done ok!
I also emailed Exodus about adding IOTA coin to their wallet and got this reply, so hoping they do add it in the future!
"IOTA is indeed an incredibly cool technology, and it's very different from other cryptocurrencies. We'd really love to be able to add it, but unfortunately it's due to this wildly different technology (tangle vs blockchain) that it would be very difficult to integrate seamlessly into Exodus.
For now, IOTA is listed on our roadmap as 'not planned', but that could still change in the future if more development tools become available. To stay up to date, check out our roadmap:
I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you good news here, but I hope this at least explains our position!"
Thanks again for your help with this Arthur, I wouldn't have purchased any IOTA if I hadn't seen your blog posts! :)
That´s great news Michelle, I dont think you will regret buying IOTA - it is going places for sure.
You got it at a good price too as it is going down due to the Bitcoin Segwit palava. Once this Bitcoin nonsense is over the markets will settle down and we will begin to see positive movements in alt coins.
I expect to see a significant rise in IOTA during the first few months of 2018.
It does not surpise me that Exodus will, or can not, host IOTA.
The mathematics involved for "changing" the money is astronomical. Tangle and Blockchain are just too different worlds.
However, I would not be surprised if someone comes up with a solution.
I also heard a rumour that IOTA themselves were against having IOTA on Exodus because they suspect Govt involvement.
This is a suspicion many have it seems.
Apparently it is suspected - that during the "changing" process from one coin to another - it is recorded somewhere - in order for Governments to see how much crypto money is being bought/sold and stored. I have not heard of this until I did some research on this on your behalf. It seems that it is a bit of a conspiracy theory at the moment and I am not sure what the Govt could do about it anyway.
Crypto currency enthusiasts are fierce about privacy so it could be just paranoia, but as they say, there is no smoke without fire.
Well at least your IOTA is safe and is hidden away from prying eyes.
Thanks for keeping me up to date.
Thanks Arthur, I'm really pleased with my IOTA and I'm sure I will continue to be pleased! :)
I've not really checked into this segwit, I suppose I should! But bitcoin is going up a lot, so that has to be good!
Yes Exodus were saying that Tangle and blockchain are very different. I can't say I understand Tangle yet, and bought on your enthusiasm and because it felt good! I will get my head around it at some point!
Wow, Govt involvement in Exodus, not heard that. That must be so of all exchanges then if they're doing that? But exchanges need you to sign up with details and I'm pretty sure no details were needed for Exodus to open a wallet. Interesting, and I'm sure Govts are wanting to hijack cryptocurrency, so nothing would surprise me here. Thanks for doing some research on this, most appreciated. We will see what unfolds.
You're welcome and thanks for your research and help.
Unfortunately I couldn't install IOTA wallet. Windows 32 bit not supported :( What can I do now?