When I saw that it was the 1st of May, this report was literally the thing I was most excited about, even more so than pinching and punching everyone I meet.
I'm sure it's a lot of work for you, but I honestly do hope this is a decade or more longer experiment for you. Especially with the S&P comparison. Apart from Steem, Bitcoin is the coin I've got the most vested in. I don't intend to ever convert back to fiat, and while I know there are significantly better technologies available, I do like that it is fairly decentralised and is the poster child for crypto. Long Live Bitcoin!
Thanks man, I really appreciate the encouragement, especially here on Steemit, where feedback on this has pretty much dried up. It is a bit of work, but I'm still enjoying it. I'm already thinking about repeating for 2020 (hopefully Tether has dropped out of the Top Ten by then!) although I'll have to at some point re-think how I organize and report...pretty time consuming already, not sure how I'd manage three!
Hopefully crypto prices and your audience is up by then so that you'd be paid for 3 very time-consuming reports. I'm sure I'm not the only one that loves reading these.