NEO is being called Chinese Ethereum for a very simple reason - its' purpose is very similar(apps and smart-contracts). The thing that differs it from Ethereum is that you can use more proggramming languages than with ETH.
NEO is quantum-secure
NEO's transactions are free. The only fee that you might have to pay is when you want to transfer it from exchange to the other place (it's the exchange that takes some part of it, not NEO itself)
NEO has an official wallet (NeonWallet)
NEO has a Proof of Stake feature and let's focus on it for a moment:
A currency that we get for storing NEO isn't NEO itself, it's token called GAS. Platforms that will give you this token for storing NEO are: Binance, Kucoin and an official wallet. All of the other exchanges are taking GAS for themselves.
Remember, that when NEO price changes, the ammounts of money that you receive for keeping it also changes. This site will show you, how many GAS tokens you will receive for storing your NEO:
Coins at the very beggining: 50m, this is the ammount that was circulating for a year
Year 2: 50m to 65m (current state) 30%
Year 3: 65m to 80m 23%
Year 4: 80m to 95m 18%
Year 5: 95m to 100m 5%
100 millions is the max ammount of NEO coins that there will ever be
Let's move to NEO's and GAS's prices:
- Data wyjścia na rynek: 9th September 2016
- Starting price: $0.18
- Lowest price: $0.07
- Highest price: $52.63
- Current price: $34.97
- Data wyjścia na rynek: 6th July 2017
- Starting price: $1.78
- Lowest price: $1.48
- Highest price: $39.08
- Current price: $19.63
Investment aspect:
- Official, easy to use and set up wallet
- One of the best (if not the best) divident system on the market
- The "loudest" cryptocurrency in China
- Unfortunately, Chinese government changes its' opinion on cryptos all the time, which changes NEO's price frequently. As they finally make up their minds, it should be more stable
What do you think about this project? Let me know!
Awesome post, I love that you can stake NEO and earn GAS
Yep, this is the reason why NEO has the biggest % of my personal wallet :D