This is just bad affiliate marketing and I'm kinda sad to see such content promoted on Hive, to be honest.
I'm sure there are desperate and uninformed people that would gladly be scammed by this on Facebook but you should have realized by now that you posted this in the wrong community.
MLM marketing is bad and everyone who promotes it is inherently bad as well.
This is not promoted by hive sir. It's promoted by me. Someone who used it, and saw the value. It's so unfortunate, that so many people are so small-minded that they are missing out. Now have a great day. I'm going to go invest the 120 dollars I made of Miny in the past 5 days. Oh and I don't have money in it at all anymore. But my family, and friends do. And guess what they are very happy with the ~20 percent a month gains off their crypto without marketing to a single person. So go be petty somewhere else huh old chum