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RE: Be Realistic

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

You clearly miss the entire point and instead you are bringing up arguments to debate facts I havent even mentioned. I'm not sure if this is dueto a lack of your reading comprehension or if you are simply ignorant, so let me break it down for you so that it is even easier digestible:

What I am criticising you for are your spam comments that go like this:

  • "Crypto's are going to take a big fall. anyone who isn't prepared to go down to pre november prices and hodl should get rid now...."
  • "it will go down for 6 months.."
  • "Its not just a correction..It will drop to just over pre November price."

Anyone calling such specific targets, not matter if in price or in time, is simply full of shit. While you by yourself bring up any random numbers, you at the same time write everywhere stuff like "TA has no use in crypto.." which shows you not only as an awful hypocrit but also exposes your massiv lack of understanding. Because guess what: the price of crypto is decided by human sentiment, the exact same factor which drives any other market like e.g. the stock market. TA therefor with all its tools is an indicator that runs based on sentiment and is a very useful tool ESPECIALLY during pullbacks by using high-probability targets when going short.

Furthermore you decided (since you obviously didnt manage to bring up any different arguments) to bring up some wild bs accusations:

  • "I watched people just like you pump money into bitconnect"
  • " thousands of people listened to people like you and bought BTC at $10-$15k, believing your type of hype"

I really wonder how you come up with the idea that I would hype bitconnect or that I'm a blind permabull, you wont find the slightest hint for any of this bs in my comments.

This pathetic response of yours is truly embarassing and I sincerly doubt in the fact that you are already for 3 years in cryptos or even any other market. I really would recommend you to slow down with jerking off to your NSFW content (who the hell even uses steemit as a porn site) so that some of your blood flows back into your brain.


I'm not going round in one of these stupid arguments where so called "experts" like yourself argue moot points.
crypto is nothing like the forex market. Crypto moves with news cycles, i grant you so can stocks but stocks are ownership in tangible assets of a companyy, crypto isn't.
crypto is either currency or a token of function operating on the blockchain.
I don't care what you think about how long I've invested in crypto, you know nothing of me. I was buying things online with BTC when it was $2.
there isn't porn on nsfw, if you call that porn you've been sheltered. And so what, if i want to jerk off to donkeys its up to me and i don't fear who knows about it. Your childish attempt to embarrass me shows your worth I'm afraid and i think I'll mute you as you are just a clown.
If you think the stock market or forex operate like crypto then you really are a newbie.
When i need to take advice from a novice like yourself i think i will retire. i was trading when you were shitting yellow>>
Like i said, i sell crypto P2P so don't care about price..I get 10% whatever..Bye now, have a great evening..

You said there are 15,000 alts..there isn't.

  • 15000 is simply a big number used by me to express a large amount of tokens, I dont get it why you are picking on this number and that I even need to explain this

  • also I find it hilarious that you still try to avoid my main argument which is that you are being pathetic with spamming your fud calls like "BTC will drop to XY / BTC goes down until YX". Instead you are argueing about numbers of symbolic character (15000) or even argue about your porn consumption which I couldnt care less about but has been a suitable metaphor to question your mental capability.

By posting your random and therefor worthless FUD calls you really make me doubt in any of your trading experience, specially since you seriously try to dismiss TA for cryptos.

So imagin you do your research and you come to the conclusion that 98% of all analysist aim at a certain trendline / resistance or retracement level, would it blow your mind if BTC exactly jumps of from this level? All it takes is to do your research on a daily basis and you already have an increased probability of trading succesfully. Of course there can come some breaking news or e.g. a Mt Gox sell off but thats the reason why noone has a 100% success rate

OK, you said 15000 by accident. I accept that. Bit ironic the comments you make about me now.If your argument is I'm spamming, show where i have produced spam? I haven't, just comments that you don't like so you call them spam.
I've looked at your blog and its just resteeming of others "work". My comments aren't aimed at you. You are in the bracket of sheeple, you listen to others.
I know exactly what indicators are, like i said they apply to a different market with different trends. Again, i was just alerting people to the fact that crypto is going to drop. That's due to real reasons, not lines on graphs. Its based on movements in the hardware markets, like mining equipment etc. Its based on things like Mt Gox. Why do you think they sold that huge portfolio off? Because they thought it was going to increase in value. The scams have been a targeted campaign by banks and governments to scare the public. whales were employed to speculate and drive the price up and dump it, for the same reason
It would suprise me if bitcoin doubled in the next month. however it wouldn't suprise me if it halved in value.
I'll give you 2000 bcn if bitcoin is over 18k by xmas. You want to take that wager? Time to put up or shut up. Put your money where your TA is, so to speak??
FUD stands for fear, uncertainty and dread. Who did i scare? we're supposed to be adults. I'd rather scare people anyway rather than fill them with false hope.
have a great evening.

I havent said 15000 by accident but as stated already just to illustrate that you need to pick a few winners out of this big pool, are you serious about this or just pretending that you dont get it?

Also it seems like you try to convience about the actual btc trend, what gives you the impression that I'm pumping btc and that I expect new ATH any time soon? I never stated anything like that, what I'm doing is criticising people for bringing up random targets (no matter if bullish or bearish, I'm having the same situation with @salahhudin2004 which is spamming the exact opposit and being a pathetic perma bull). I have a huge problem with such people since the majority of crypto investors are not experienced enaugh to make their own decision but are more likely to follow any person that provides them news which supports their hopes and wishes.

So no worries, I am very aware of the present situation, but only of the PRESENT situation. I do not care what the price might look like in days/weeks/months because its worthless anyways. I reevaluate the market on a daily basis and try to make money on the ways up AND down. Again: I'm not argueing with you about the BTC trend, get this piece of information into your head already.

You said "15000" when the number is 1500.
This debate is going nowhere.

get this in your head,. again, the post wasn't aimed at you if you aren't worried about price, clearly.
I haven't said BTC I've talked about the whole market. I had one token make 211% today. But in a downward trend, still.
The paradigm is different. The TAs you use, or resteem, are valid in a different system.
You are setting yourself up as an "expert" but you're not.
Go and read my post again. i'm not quoting prices or certain coins. I've explained why we are seeing a collapse in price. I have followed lots of indicators and reports and taken in to consideration world events, regulation and advance in technology.
Crypto is falling due to have been highly priced due to hype and rampant speculation.
I'm telling joe Public to wait to buy and if you bought pre June ;ast year you have a decision to make. I bought 600% cheaper than now. I sold off half my crypto at Xmas and i'm glad i did..
I haven't seen your "evaluations" to be honest. But i know they are of limitted value. Your triangles don't predict whales. I've seen others that have been analysed and they aren't green..

it is difficult to tell if you are purposely missing all the points I've made or if you are actually that narrow minded. so try to collect the points given:

  • I am not criticising you for your blog so there is no reason for you to defend it.
  • I have never presented myself as an expert, and I havent tried to convience anyone with my TA, the only one calling me an expert is you. But what I'm doing is calling out a bullshitter when I'm seeng one, which happened when I read your random predictions and calls in the comment sections on this platform.
  • So please connect these two points and you will see: you are being an awful hypocrit, presenting yourself in this blogpost as the voice of reason and at the same time FUDing the comment sections like a little whiney bitch
  • Also you are seriously trying to differ BTC from the "whole crypto market"? What kind of experience do you have if you didnt get it by now that BTC is actually the major force that runs the entire market? This has been the case from day 1 on and wont be changing in the close future.
  • 211% rise? please tell me more about it, gosh..
  • and last but not least: are you seriously still debating about the amount of actual tokens available? I try it one more time: It is an irrelevant piece of information since the only point has been that only a few of the available tokens will actually succeed. I simply said a random big number that stands for the available amount of tokens, I didnt bother to check coinmarketcap for that since it is irrelevant for the argument itself, are you seriously incapable of comprehending this? Altough chances are big you are actually just trolling I really wouldnt be surprised (based on the record of your argumentations) if you are simply bonkers

NOX raised by 211%, why do i need to lie?
No you didn't quote "just a relevant" big number at all. you made a mistake and pride won't let you admit that. Like i said, move on.
I have nothing to learn about crypto from you I'm sure.
Coins don't rise and fall only because of BTC imput at all. Many stand alone and offer their own "product"...
You are a boy to me who just throws about insults, to bolster what you think is a point. You don't have one.
Like i have said on many occasions, if you aren't interested in price why does my comments bother you?
You are typical of the type of people who have "got onto" crypto in the last 6-12 months.
You are very wrong in thinking that without bitcoin other crypto couldn't perform. That's the depth of your ignorance. You are regurgitating others graphs and "TA".
I've noticed that you are flagging me.Do NEO need BTC to survive? Or ETH??
I don't walk away from discussions usually with out some kind of closure but for you i will make an exception. You are obviously heavily invested at a high price and you probably are in Davorcoin. I get it. But stop wasting my time eh? I will continue warning people of the dangers of relying on TA's from another, totally different paradigm. You don't want to hear anything aboutcrypto that isn't "good" or positive. Anything that isn't you call "FUD". Typical of the sheeple behaviour of those that can't do their own research and think they can will crypto higher and into mass adoption with this behaviour, you can't.
All you succeed in doing is pushing away those who are curious. They see the behaviour you exhibit as naive in the extreme. they want something stable, without tin hat conspiracy theorists like yourself who call everything negative said as some kind of conspiracy against crypto..
You could maybe get off your comp every now and then and go speak in the real world, where "FUD" is Elmers last name!
Please stop replying if you think I'm insane. In fact lets just agree to disagree and move on. Or aren't you able to do that either???