Earn free gbytes coin rewards $10-$160 instantly depending on your steemit reputation....
Download Gbytes wallet https://steem-byteball.org/#YDS66K27O6JTB6VHMH74UPCUTW2MTB2B
And i will send you some gbytes amount in your wallet....After create wallet just send wallet adress contact me https://t.me/gbinj
Reputation 30 or above: $10.00 reward
Reputation 40 or above: $20.00 reward
Reputation 50 or above: $40.00 reward
Reputation 60 or above: $80.00 reward
Reputation 70 or above: $160.00 reward
Next step I will explaint you .....step by step
Ok. I did it, but you didn't respond in the telegram. My username @ashao1015