I know, it was a super hard decision. But the DPoS was what sealed the deal for me. I just watched the market everyday around 5:30am central time (that has been a good time for me to be able to act before others wake up).
But I watched until Bitcoin or Ether went up in value and Ark went down and then I went to Binance and exchanged to Ark, then transfer to the wallet.
I have found that you need about 150-200 Ark in order to get .5 Ark every two weeks through the DPoS. And the more Ark you have, the faster those payouts become.
There are other Delegates that I'm sure are great and maybe even better. In fact, I learned on Reddit (which I have actually spoke to The Foundry there).... that there is a delegate that has a site that allows you to track your next payout on their website and when you will be paid.
But as I am sure a lot of you do, when Jack says something that he is bullish on....well I honestly haven't seen him to be wrong too often.
I don't always believe in everything he says, but he is quite the guy when it comes to crypto!