I just have one thing to say about cryptocurrencies that REALLY scares the hell out of me:
Did you know that the U.S. National Security Agency put out its' first Whitepaper on BitCoin/Cryptos way back in 1996 ??? They were mentioning things like, "decentralization," "new monetary system," and, "digital gold" about 13 years before anyone else had even conceived of such things. Is it just a strange coincidence that BitCoin came onto the world scene directly after the 2008 U.S. money crisis???
Just sit and think on that for a while...
Now, think about all of the wonderful woo-woo feelings that have grown inside of you from words like, "decentralization," "freedom," "outside the system," "the peoples' money," etc...
Could it be possible that you are being led down a path of making a lot of profits today, but you'll find out - in a few years - that somebody else has actually taken complete control of every aspect of your cryptocurrencies? Because, they'll know exactly where to track your wealth (in the blockchain), exactly how much to tax every single bit of your earnings, and have the ability to completely shut you out of their monetary system if you don't continue to play by their increasingly draconian rules???
On the other hand, you can go bury your silver and gold under a rock in the desert, or use it to buy a house - all the while keeping it totally out of anyone elses' control.
Also, if you've got too much silver - you can always wait for the Silver-to-Gold raitio to go from 85:1 back down to 43:1, double your wealth, and shrink your precious metals' physical mass by a factor of 43.
BTC: -10
SLVR: +20
This topic deserves its own post, thanks and stay tuned.