I think you are exactly right. If you follow any chart analysts, most of them are demonstrating that BItcoin is definitely in an upwards channel. Sure, there are highs & lows, but each successive low in Bitcoin is something like $200 higher than the last low.
Clearly, NOW is the time to buy in, because we have been in a downtrend for a while - so you're picking it up for cheap, and you'll be able to take some profits at the next high. If you hodl for a couple of years and don't worry about it, I have no doubt that cryptos - as a whole - will continue to go up at a rate better than the other financial instruments that are out there. Bitcoin has outperformed the stock market ever since its' creation. I'd much rather buy in at $2,000 per Bitcoin than $4,000. But, some authoritative analysts are predicting, over the long term, we'll be seeing BitCoin at $10K, $100K, and if you wait long enough it could go to, or supass $1M.
It's hard to wrap your head around that, or have faith in it like that - but any crypto which is related to graphene (do yourself a favor & google "graphene" if you don't know what it is already) is going to do amazingly well over the next few years. Players like Microsoft, Samsung, and Toyota would not be pouring BILLION$ into it without being sure it will make them a good profit. However, most people do not know how to properly do the research on cryptos - and they end up buying-into the "hype" surrounding it. This gives rise to the scammers who come in with their cyrpto-coins, pull a pump-and-dump, cash out, and leave noobs holding a worthless bag of BCC, or some other scam-coin. These events diminish the public faith in all cryptos - because uninformed people tend to lump them all into the same box, without having an understanding of which ones are good, and which ones are bad. This causes the ups and the downs, even in cryptos - because it is like something which resembles a currency at times, and a harder asset at other times.