Telegram founder Pavel Durov is preparing to launch its own cryptocurrency, which will allow you to monetize messenger and provide Asian countries virtual payment system. About it has told a former employee of the "Telegraph" Anton Rosenberg.
Rosenberg emphasizes that the actor is like "HYIP" and is in search of sources for the Telegram. According to him, the project is called TON (Telegram Open Network).
Ex-employee showed a video with the expected announcement of a blockchain system for Telegram, which can be created own cryptocurrency messenger. It is supposed to be infinitely scalable and will instantly move assets between users.
Z Ξ F I R Crypto News
The video is on the Youtube channel ZΞFIR, this is the first video on this channel. The description says that the video was "leaked." The authors ZΞFIR in the comments on the video agree that it's unclear whether you can trust information about running a blockchain platform and its cryptocurrency Telegram. They recalled that in the December interview with Bloomberg Pavel Durov announced plans to monetize messenger in 2018.
Create your own crypto currencies and the yield on the ICO will allow Telegram to receive funds to continue the work, giving investors the opportunity to invest in the project, which over five years brings only the expenses, according to Rosenberg. In early 2016, Durov told methat Telegram spends about $1 million a month.
Ex-employee of the "Telegraph" suggested that the film will be looking for major investors in Iran and Uzbekistan. So, in Iran because of U.S. sanctions do not work of the international payment system, so cryptocurrency Durov can replace the domestic currency, said Rosenberg.
People love mysteries, and we do too🤘
One of the biggest mysteries of the last time was around Pavel Durov's TON and its destiny. Meet Durov's adventures by Fitzgerald, Welsh, Salinger, and Dostoevsky👻