Platform Rankings

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)


Platforms are NOT coins.
Platforms are NOT coins.
Platforms are NOT coins.

They are a service. Where coins function as $money (Decentralized); platforms function as a quick and cheap utility to move tokens on a ledger.

Basically faster, and cheaper, and much bigger pipes than the coins. Because they are mainframe memory load node driven networks, whereas the coins are #hashpower energy driven.

Think of blockchain versions of twitter, google, and other social platforms. They need to be FREE speech (or virtually free). Free as in cost not a penny.

BTC 7 TX/sec
ETH 20 TX/sec
LTC 56 TX/sec
bch 60 TX/sec

xrp$10000 Mxxxx /units1500 tps
bnb$4000 Mfree?xxx tps
eos$10000 Mfree3k-50k tps
xlm$1200 M100 stroopsxxx tps
ada$1200 M0.171 adaxxx tps
tron$1100 Mxxxx /units500 tps
link$777 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
tezo$700 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
iota$700 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
neo$600 M0.00110k tps
qtum$300 M0.11 QTUM10k tps
atom$500 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
onto$400 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
vsys$333 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
nem$488 M0.05 nemxxx tps$400 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
lisk$140 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
waves$120 M0.051 WAVESxxx tps
bts$100 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps
steem$50 Mfreexxx tps
ardr$50 Mxxxx /unitsxxx tps

strat $33M fact $30M ark $25M pivx $19M obyte $16M nxt $16M fee:1nxt


XEM $0.055355
fee: 0.05