We love user friendly or Wallet Ready For Dummies concept. :)
Ready thru this article on MyCrypto Beta wallet launch, we got more and more excited with the functionality of this wallet and its super easy to use interface.
What we really enjoyed about these features is the Auto Detect Token.
We quote:
"Token Scanner
Our upgraded token UI includes a scanner functionality to auto-detect tokens with non-zero balances related to your account address. You can easily toggle to select relevant tokens, and we continue to support adding custom tokens to your hearts content"
Another very important feature is the Get Payment tab. This easy to use, payment capture could be easily adopted for local and small business owner. Straightforward with no need of all the API knowledge.
We invite to read up on this article and the MyCrypto Wallet. We just downloaded it, and will do a follow up on our experience with the product.
Until next time, Steemit!
Medium Article In Question.
Hey, Do you think its worth it to HODL Bitcoin at the moment? Followed you too
Hi Cryptoissweet, thanks for the reply and interest!
Bitcoin remains the Initial Capital Investment by a vary large majority. Therefor, you can almost compare the BTC as the FIAT of this entire ecosystem at the present time. Now, this is a very generalist explanation, yet, give an accurate picture of the reality for the average user.
We understand that for the little investor, the volatility of the BTC and its market can be very stressful and hard to discipline themselves to hold.
In our assessments, we do mention that we is our comfort zone in relation with the Bitcoin Value. Now, that assessment does change on a regular basis. This allows our members some indication on the strategies they should apply according to an over inflated or under inflated price.
Hope we were of help! Thanks again mate and Cheers!
Stephan T.