Why is Bitconnect still listed on CoinMarketCap?

This is not acceptable. Cryptocurrency is already getting a bad rep from the main stream media. If we ever want to see cryptocurrency have a legitimate use on a global scale, we can not have these scam coins such as Bitconnect misrepresent what the future and potential of cryptocurrency holds. We as a community need to stand together and remove these scam coins from well known sources and find a way to filter out future coins that will bring value to this space rather than take away from it for instant returns.


Sure, but do we really want a site like coinmarketcap deciding what's a scam and what isn't?
That's gonna lead to some corruption down the line. I'd prefer them listing everything, it's up to people to do their own research.
Though granted, they probably shouldn't have had a bitconnect ad for the longest time up there XD