NAGA Coin Token NGC is now tradable. You can send the token to the exchange to trade the token.
Please note the following steps.
FIRST: Create a HitBTC Account
SECONDLY: Create a Deposit adress in the HitBTC Wallet
THIRDLY: Login to your MEW MyEtherWallet for send Ether & Tokens
FOURTHLY: Add Custom NGC to your MEW.
Utrust Contract Adress: 0x72dD4b6bd852A3AA172Be4d6C5a6dbEc588cf131
Token Symbol: NGC
Decimals: 18
FIFTHLY: Send your NGC to your HitBTC NGC Deposit Adress. Gas Limit 200000 for Token.
(You need Ether ETH for the Gasprice. Buy Ether with Fiat Money )
Join my ICO facebook group for more information.
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