Brave Browser - A browser with your interests at heart.
Browse faster by blocking ads and trackers that violate your privacy and cost you time and money.
Hey fellow Digital Nomads!
Today, I will try to create a discussion with You about something very interesting that I have stumbled upon. I have been in cryptocurrency for quite a while now and If You are in the same boat as me.
Reading this blog post from Chrome, Safari, IE. You are helping BIG 3 instead of the internet.
So without much of an introduction let's just move on to an overview of this project and trying to list on a y few pros that I found it for You.
A quick overview of Brava Browser and core principles.
Basic Attention Token and Brave browser are solutions for the broken digital advertising model. The aim of the BAT project is to build a new system in which advertisers, content publishers, and internet users all benefit while inefficient and invasive middlemen platforms such as Facebook and YouTube eventually become obsolete.Of course, that means that BAT is one of the most ambitious and risky projects to invest in, because supplanting those internet giants is going to be difficult, to say the least. Marketing and network effects will be critical, along with a healthy dose of patience. That being said, the BAT project certainly has the technology to turn this into a real competition.
Seems like every single advantage listed here should be why I feel like we will need to stop using our most convenient browsers and multimillion-dollar ad-selling algorithms of Google and Facebook willingly keep on giving our "private" or "anonymous" avatar information.
As I'm writing this post I will be starting a challenge and trying to at least substitute my Chrome experience where everything is synced so conveniently.
I would encourage You to JOIN and at least Download Brava and TEST out this technology, so You could say I was using "AOL" back in the day.
Brave is a free and open-source[6][7][8] web browser based on the Chromium web browser and its Blink engine, announced by the co-founder of the Mozilla Project and creator of JavaScript, Brendan Eich. It claims to block website trackers and remove intrusive Internet advertisements. The browser also claims to improve online privacy by sharing less data with advertising customers. As of 2017, it is currently in beta testing for Windows, macOS, and Linux[9] and available as a stable release for iOS and Android. The beta version features 19 search engines by default, including StartPage, Ecosia, Qwant and Yandex Search.[10]
Browse faster.
Brave loads major news sites 2 to 8 times faster than Chrome and Safari on mobile. And Brave is 2 times faster than Chrome on a desktop.
Brave vs. Chrome on Android Tablet below (more data):
Save money, as much as $23 a month.
Brave saves you cash. The average mobile browser user pays as much as $23 month in data charges to download ads and trackers -- that’s $276 a year. Brave blocks ads and trackers, so you don’t pay for them.
Even if you have an unlimited mobile data plan or browse exclusively on desktop, you end up paying because your information and time have value (see how Brave guards both below).
(Data collected by
Block ads and trackers.
Brave blocks ads and trackers by default so you browse faster and safer. You can add ad blocking extensions to your existing browser, but it’s complicated and they often conflict with one another because browser companies don't test them. Worse, the leading ad blockers still allow some ads and all trackers.
Privacy by default
The modern web is full of parasitic ads and trackers.
They follow you from site to site, learning all they can about you, and at times may even push malware.
Brave takes a strong stand against these types of bad actors. Ads and trackers are blocked by default, protecting your privacy.
Decide if you want to donate to sites. There are two ways:
Set up automatic micro-donations. Brave will automatically divide a monthly donation among the top sites you visit.And/or, you can decide which sites get what percentage of your donation. It’s called pinning.
Basic Attention Token
Brave Payments utilizes the Basic Attention Token for contributions to your favorite content creators. Learn more.
Coming soon, you will be able to opt into a new blockchain-based digital advertising system, giving publishers a better deal and users a share of the ad revenue for their attention.
The new Brave browser blocks the ads and trackers that slow you down, chew up your bandwidth, and invade your privacy.
Brave even lets you contribute to your favorite publishers automatically.
This project encapsulated very core that every cryptocurrency investor or early adopter of this technology strives to achieve.
Privacy Brave never sees the sites you browse. If you use a search engine such as Google, then anything you type in the search bar will be recorded by Google — but not by Brave servers.
Money Brave makes money by taking 5% of any donations and – after it is fully implemented – a small cut of advertising that is placed with consent. Brave even shares some revenue with you -- at least as much as we receive.
Trust It's difficult to do something sneaky when you are an open source company. Anyone can audit what the Brave software code is doing.

Sounds Too Good to be True The Brave browser is truly revolutionary technology and is one of the few Blockchain projects to solve a real-world problem. The best part is, the browser uses a proprietary cryptocurrency for payments. This is the basic attention token, traded under the symbol BAT.
If You scrolled to the end. I congratulate You and thank You, my friend. As I mentioned, I will be trying this browser and hopefully, love it.
If You install I get 5$, Here is their website because they have a better sales page. Spread this idea and love around the internet.
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