
:) Yeah, BTC / ETH and LTC are the safest investments so far. Thanks.

ETH price is directly proportional to BTC's price, but LTC endures from direct influence of BTC a little.

Absolutely LTC did mimic BTC and that's how it evolved. Also I do agree LTC is influenced by BTC. But LTC has been one of my favorite since Charlie Lee took initiative to enhance the coin to the next level. Today BTC looks upon LTC for any enhancements. LTC implemented Segwit and then after lightening network; now BTC is following it's footsteps. Personally I think LTC is the only coin which could go hand in hand with BTC. Rest all copied alt coins would die eventually. Just my thoughts :). Cheers!!!

Considering ETH, I think once crypto starts maturing, platforms like Ethereum would start becoming independent and would have very less or zero influence from BTC.