in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

I'm a "casual' investor in crypto..."casual" meaning I only check my balances about 50 times per three different blogs more than a couple times each day...check my balances while sitting in meetings....receive email updates from various links I signed up on...have purchased multiple newsletters...."only" own 26 different coins...and "only" utilize 5 different exchanges....

Well...maybe not "casual' but not a day trader....yet.

Regardless... it scares and shocks me to see how much of a balance I have accumulated over the three plus years I've been involved with this...really knowing nothing....just willing to take a chance...not give up...make the mistakes needed to learn...and enjoy the process....

Over the three years I could have cashed out at any time...lord knows my wife certainly wanted me to take that option...would have been nice...pat myself on the back and get on with life...however... I didn't get involved with this just to make a few extra dollars...I did it as a dream...what if...a real life lottery... and having survived the highs and lows to date...see it continue to develop...catch on...grow in value...I know I was on to something...and lets face always feels good to feel "right" about a choice we make...

But...I can't take what I have lightly....and as so often happens in investing...once you have something worth becomes something you worry about an effort to convince myself to hang in there...I have come up with these additional reasons on why I should hang on... already shocks me what kind of tax I will owe next year when I file based on what I have done to date...its so easy to lose track of all the trading one does whether cashing some out or just re positioning what you own for coins for coins...and as it profit is tied up in coins and as of now...and the government doesn't accept bitcoin payment.

Secondly and perhaps most importantly...from my perspective..its only getting started...the masses are not yet truly involved...I know so many people...who have "heard" about "bitcoin"...but wouldn't consider it as an investment...too risky...not real...too confusing...sure...I get it...its what separates the entrepreneurs from the worker bees...the gamblers from the sideline is evolving into the mainstream...ready or not here it comes...all it will need is one "legitimate" investment house to allow it to trade in it or market it to its customers as an alternative investment...and BAM...these things take off beyond what's happened to date... preparation of this next big wave...I am trying to decide what coins make the most sense to own for this purpose...I definitely think early on...the "bigger and better" known coins will be the most bitcoin...ether...litecoin...monero...dash...steem of course....which come to mind immediately...not to say other coins won't be part of the trading pool...

So with that thought in mind...part of me would like to commit to just those coins which would simplify my life of the reasons I spread out to other coins was to try and catch the next big thing and make a small killing on a coin that seems to have good technology potential and is talked a lot about....its so hard to sell off those type coins that have done well and continue to do well just in the current trading space...

Would love to hear what others in the Steemit community think about this concept and how they are making their coin investment "casual" investors of course...perhaps also looking to simplify their lives and end up only owning a dozen or so coins on three exchanges and only glancing at their portfolio and blogs a handful of times each day...


Can totally relate to this post and really enjoyed it. For me, a few months ago I took out a small amount to pay off my car. There is definitely an element of risk in crypto, so I was saying to myself if this all goes south with the upcoming fork at least I have gotten something worthwhile from the time and money I've spent in crypto. Like you, no regrets just enjoying the experience and the learning. When I first learned about crypto about 2 years ago I saw it as an alternate future. Cheers

Great to hear...I have pulled some out as well...first goal was to pay off mortgage...haven't done that yet but put a some in a good ol' bank CD...

I also was intrigued by the whole idea as well...saw it as a potential game changer...being older...I definitely see how the younger generations who grow up "connected" won't think twice about this concept...

It also blows me away that its a world wide phenomenon....

Honestly all the coins in the top 20 have their use cases and I've picked up a little of everything. I wouldn't sweat it - were at the beginning of a long road and I'll just enjoy the ride.

I am...but as said...trying to be "smart" about my coin choices if such a thing exists...thanks.

Do you sell off at all if one comes up a bunch?

Great post! Resteemed. I am only in 5 coins but planning to expand soon!

We all start somewhere...thanks for comments...

Two questions if don't does one resteem....and how do you get on home page?

I found home page answer...resteem process?

Near the reply button there is a rectangular arrow pointing to the right.

Appreciate it.

Here's what I love about this post. You mentioned taxes. Let me say one thing about the difference between cryptocurrencies, the blockchain and government. Government would not survive because the blockchain is totally transparent and there is no such thing with the government. This arena and type of investing is what is going to get rid of government. The reason why? Your voice as an investor is heard, recognized and has value. There is no such thing in government. If you think you have a voice, government is deaf and you don't realize it, or at least realize it yet. Most of us want to live our lives without being raped by overarching, over-regulating demons who don't give a sitoshi about their constituents or the people that put them into the positions they hold. Personally, I don't give one rip or sitoshi about government. If they were honest, and they are not, that would be a different ballgame. Here, I don't feel I will be raped or over-regulated into oblivion by someone who doesn't give a rip about me, and how much they can steal from me. Kudos and keep up the great work!

Thanks for your thoughts.

I started on steem three days ago and want to get rich and famous. I wanna buy and spend bit coins.

Look forward to your being ready for a few bumps along the way...

i have just 17 coins, but i will keep them for 1-2 years atleast to see how many times they will multiply ;)
We are at 1% of crypto's potential!

17 is a lot...especially trying to keep track...good luck investing...

i use android app "blockfolio" for monitoring all of them :)

I've heard that app mentioned a lot.

Casual trader. Good one.

Good artice

Thank you.

@bobreedo It is very hard, but what I try to do with stocks, is hold them for at least one year. By playing on the long term, it doesn't make any sense to check the prices every day (not even every week). Some times it goes really well and some times I'm checking multiple times per day... To be honest, I feel the happiest when I don't look/think about them since I only put in there what I can afford to lose.

I understand...I do the same with most of my stock investments since mostly held for retirement...but the crypto coin world is so new...rapidly changing...uncertain...and more of a personal wealth pursuit so not comfortable trying to "forget" about it...I admit...I'm addicted! Thanks for input.

i check my portfolio 1,000 times per day. I'm debating seeing someone about it because I'm pretty sure I've only worked 10 hours the past 6 months and not sure how much longer I'll last.

Great post as allways! I upvoted and im following you!
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Thank you.

i have 5 coins and am starting out - it wont take long before i will be a casual investor like you

Good luck...hope yor investments work well...

I got in at the beginning of August and am already in 12 different coins :P
Although not with as much money as I would like

Don't over ready for some wild rides...good luck.

And, of course, you might be innocently HODLing a crypto when the blockchain forks and then... you're HODLing two. Surprise!

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Pre-newbie crypto addict here. Still researching, no purchases as yet, though I'm feeling the urge. Wondering if I'll need a 12-Step program soon? Thanks for your post - enlightening and humorous.

The first step is BUY....

Awesome Post! I love Steemit! I am a Crypto Investor too... I @kimmoore am just here to read comments... LOL

Glad you enjoyed it...

This is one of the best posts I've seen on crypto in 8 months. It's a simple message, but genuine and relatable. What's kept me calm during violent price movements is the same vision you share, but I took out my main initial investment after ETHs major pullback in June to be playing with mainly profit. I've used some profit to then diversify into other coins and mining contracts. This helps me disassociate mentally from the insanity of the price swings and account balance earthquakes I used to let affect me too much as I have minimal personal funds in the game now. In hindsight, I wish I never sold anything, but then again, I believe it's best practice to take some off the table to play with house money. It'll cost me more profit in the future, but far less stress on the way there. I have started selectively making new investments with USD, but only in alts I believe will be successful in the long term, not short term flips. Being from NY, a heavily regulated state, it's been difficult to get alts until Bittrex opened their doors. This also kept me sane as I first got into crypto by not having too many options to worry about, although watching Ripple go from half a penny to .42 cents was a bit of a bummer. Hope this helps you commiserate.

Its right was just play money gamble for a long its become something I spend too much time trying to build...I have to remember its found money...keep it fun...not beat myself up if I leave a coin too I may not matter what you are invested in once the next wave hits...everything will rise...good hunting...

I guess it's about trying to have gratitude for the gains instead of dwelling on the what could have beens :)

I am the same kind of casual investor you are! LOL thanks for the great post following and up voted

Glad you enjoyed it...good investing...

Thanks for sharing.. Same here, just started the game later...

My portfolio right now is like 60% bitcoin, 25% litecoin, 10% neo, 5% alts...

Hows your mix?

About 50% NEO and related Binance coins...about 25% BTC and ETH cmbined and remander spread over 20 or so coins.

great read, thank you for posting @bobreedo

Appreciate the comments.

I am impressed with the technology behind that disrupts businesses and gives the opportunity for everyone

It is disruptive...but like the people will find a way to make it work for them and even control it somehow...the profit motive is a powerful force...

Enjoyed and relate to ur article. I got this urge to buy btc eth ltc late last year. I am a risk taker and so far, so good. Unbelievable actually. I want to buy other alt coins but dont know how. My holdings on a coinbase and they only process the three I have. It was pretty easy buying thru them and i sold a tiny bit to see the transaction go the entire route. Havent bought anything with the coins...dont really know how. Thanks for the knowledge.

Glad to hear things have worked out...I started on coinbase as well...I believe they have a GDAX exchange you might look into to trade other coins or use an exchange like Bittrex as a starting point...usually set up easy...learn to transfer in some bitcoin to use for trading as that's easier than trying to get accepted to use fiat...if you do set up...always do a small test transfer first...again...the process isn't real "user" friendly...but worth exploring if you want to expand your horizons...definitely what you own are what I consider the "big three"...and look at Litecoin finally making a move! I use the cyrpto compare blog site to learn a lot about other coins and exchanges...good luck.

@bobreedo, I love your definition of casual here

I'm a "casual' investor in crypto..."casual" meaning I only check my balances about 50 times per three different blogs more than a couple times each day...check my balances while sitting in meetings....receive email updates from various links I signed up on...have purchased multiple newsletters...."only" own 26 different coins...and "only" utilize 5 different exchanges....

I wish I was as smart and bought some cryptocurrencies instead of working my a$$ off doing my PhD, which mounted to no money and overqualified status wherever I go.
I am thankful however that I started my journey, late but hopefully not too late, to understand this new world. Mind you, I haven't invested anything yet since I am not sure what to invest in and how.

You may wonder, so why are you commenting here? I would say, "Just cuz I felt like it" :P_ Joking ;)

I just wanted to ask you, what are you going to do with the money you gained from investing in cryptocurrency? I mean, I know it's not mu business what you do with your own money, but I hope you are at least enjoying your life with the money you gained and not only saving it for the next big investment! As that would be a real shame. You never know when the government will decide to implement taxes in crypto.

Sorry if I said something that was not my business. Just though to remind you to have a good life and live it, but I hope I didn't need to do so.

Many thanks for sharing :D

I appreciate the kind a point in life where I can't afford to stop working but would like to dramatically slow down...this investment may allow that opportunity sooner if it continues on its path...but as you gurantees.

Don't downplay your accomplisments...I missed many financial opportunity waves over the years...this won' t be the last...and not too late to still dip your toes in the water...

Good luck.

I am really happy you didn't take my words the wrong way :)

Many thanks for your kind compliment and for the encouragement and suggestion

Good luck to both of us in this word :D

Nice post. As for me, I am only considering it "income" if I receive coin/ethereum as payment, or I sell to cash. To me I view the whole crypto market as a single commodity which, if I sell out of within two years, will have to pay capital gains. Am also writing off my mining gear against my ethereum income.

Thanks for your input.

good read my friend, I am also new to crypto!

Enjoy the ride.

Hi @bobreedo.

I think the next wave comes with great gains from:


All the best for you.


I have some of those in my stable as well. Thanks.

In this moment cryptocurrencies are more than an investment, they're a dream that connects people from all around the world.
I share your thought and enjoyed reading it.

Thank you.

I'll be holding on to a few of these coins I'm amassing longer than the singer from Simply Red....

New Post!

Good one.

Lol, not my finest moment :)

I check my crypto portfolio three times a day and constantly ask myself if I'm missing any new and thriving ICO opportunities out there. There are so many new cryptos coming onto the scene and I do feel overwhelmed to say the least. As the bubble grows, my anxiety grows as well.

Piccata? Titicaca! I am Cornholio! I need piccata for my bunghole!

I understand...unsure myself on next move...

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Oh boy! I'm glad there are people with the same mentality as I. I'm obsessed with this. If it looks like I am doing nothing at my desk because I'm sitting there with a blank face it is probably because I am thinking of the next coin I need to buy or the next exchange I need to check to see how my investments are doing. What a relief! Excellent post! Made my day thank you.

Lately I even look for trades I don't need to make if things are too stable.

It's good to diversify a bit.