Fascinating...wanted to find time when I had some "brain power" and attention span to better comprehend what you have written...love what you say about its not the bitcoin rising but dollar falling...and its bitcoin not gold since people have more interaction with a bitcoin purchase then mining a chunk of gold...
Perhaps if there is a bigger force involved...these times are the true beginning of a real "Declaration of Independence"...Will be interesting to see how trend evolves...
I agree, and go ahead and take your time. This stuff stays up forever you know ;)
My main concern is that of our greatest resource - each other - staying inaccessible via collective hallucinations, like the idea that taxation is necessary for society.
I mean, how do you think we're still using the dollar, despite it's value being 93% gone already, and leaking steadily still?
The bump up in money and value, for those who get bitcoin, will be on the rise until it hits the wall of lack of production, if people keep defending taxation, and then nothing will keep society from collapsing into the belief of the evil of all men, the reality of which is chaos, and out of which springs hell on earth.
A bit on the imaginative, side, yes.
Bitcoin is one of many symptoms of the times.
We don't have much longer to wake up, but if we do, we should make it.
I guess as humans its more comfortable to collectively latch onto something to provide some sense of continuity and security.
It's sad and ironic, as the sense will destroy the reality of it. It's moot secure to look for security on death and destruction, seeing it as the source of life.
@somethingsea the truth is we are apart of the greatest awakening in human histrory....Our collectice conciousness is expanding and it shall overcome the darkness which lies in evil minds😇
Very interesting read here
Thank you.
I agree, cryptocurrency in whatever form is truly the real 'Declaration of Independence' and I believe a bigger much larger force is at work here. Here's to cryptocurrency, the PEOPLE's money! Peace.
I feel the same way...thanks for comment.