Maximum bet that can be placed is 0.1ETH, that's about $12. Trade only lasts for 30 minutes (since people are trading 30-minute candle) and profits are paid out within 30-60 minutes after the trade is complete. It would not be very wise on the part of STIXEX to scam anyone for $12 considering the fact that it took 10's of thousands of dollars to develop and promote the platform.
Maximum bet that can be placed is 0.1ETH, that's about $12. Trade only lasts for 30 minutes (since people are trading 30-minute candle) and profits are paid out within 30-60 minutes after the trade is complete. It would not be very wise on the part of STIXEX to scam anyone for $12 considering the fact that it took 10's of thousands of dollars to develop and promote the platform.