Zero to Hero Challenge: $0 to $1,000,000 - Day 34

Today was fully dedicated to learning Javascript. It's an object oriented programming language, so it's more complex than HTML and CSS. It requires more energy to go through that course.

Blockchain Whitepapers

No whitepaper summary today.


Web Development

W3Schools - Javascript + Ajax + JSon Courses

22 / 101 Lessons Completed

2 / 30 Courses Completed

Jobs Earnings - 0.00$

Crypto Earnings

No crypto earnings


No Trading


*All token prices are taken from CoinMarketCap at the time I am writing this article.

It looks like NEO has moved to an uptrend. Let see how far it goes :).

If you liked what you saw and read, the best way to encourage me is to upvote my posts and/or follow me. Really no need to tip, I prefer to deserve my earnings through upvotes.

I will Power Up all the Steem Dollars I earn from upvotes, and will count them in my holdings to help me accomplish my goal. I know STEEMs are a good holding, so I plan to not touch them for years.

Vincent Boutin
CEO of Brainy Network Inc.

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