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RE: Cryptocurrency mining with renewable energy and planting broccoli

Good luck with the mining. Renewable energy for mining sounds great. Hydro power makes the most sense for sure. There are issues with solar and wind. I'm thinking about doing a post on it but my last post made $0.17 so I'm thinking about flying to rural Vietnam and earning more money working in a rice field.
Basically you have to have A LOT of panels and a battery bank / battery wall to generate enough consistent power to continuously run even a few rigs. I was researching it and a guy in Australia had his entire roof pretty much covered in panels and he was pulling 4000 Watts continuously from it at a peak part of the day. Consider that a pretty solid GPU rig would utilize 1000 Watts at a time. Ultimately you could use that to power 4 rigs or so. That isn't a lot of rigs and that is only during the day during the peak. It doesn't make sense to just run rigs during the day because the computers are too expensive to not utilize them 24/7. As far as utilizing power from the grid and having the rigs in one room what you might run into is the room is on one breaker and other rooms might be on that same breaker as well. Suddenly if it is a 15 Amp breaker you don't want to push it past about 1400 Watts of continuous output. So a rig and a half or so.
It turned out that 3 of the 4 bedrooms in my house were on the same breaker. Basically I ended up spreading the rigs all over the house. Everywhere you went there were computers buzzing like bees. Suddenly the ambient temperature became and issue especially in the summer. Suddenly your running AC units just to try to keep everything cool which is costing more power.
The spot to be at in the United States is Eastern Washington. It is a dry climate and cool in the fall, spring, and winter months. The power is hydro and in some spots can range from $0.04 - $0.06 / kilowatt hour.
I really wish I could get back into mining but on an industrial scale. It takes a lot of money invested though.


I guess the efficiency of crypto mining will have to catch up to me, as I don't need the money and I dont like to work hard or stress about anything, so if I ran into any issues like what you explain I would simply quit or keep it simple with just 1 rig in 1 room, but it's possible that technology solves most of these issues by the time I get to the point of wanting to run more than 1 rig