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RE: DIY Tube Video Community ICO Cancelled Due To Heavy Harassment From Trolls

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

•[-]sass (47) · 1 hour ago
4 words: the sky IS falling
Hey Troy Reid @thediyworld (who refers to himself 3rd person)... get a god damn job!
You bought a foreign wife. You had a baby. Now you want other people to pay the bills! While you sit around idle, for the rest of you life, utterly JOBLESS! Which part am I "confused" about? You WILL get into legal trouble one day because of the vast amount of people you worked to make enemies of! Question: who are these "young helpers" you mentioned? You're a creepy bastard that uses everyone that comes in contact with you! You offer zero enrichment to anyone around you! You do nothing but take, take, take! This will catch up to you sooner or later. You force your family to live in squalor and you think thats just fine!! Umm HELLO? DELUSIONAL!
One of these agencies will one day see you are a detriment to wife and child and action will be taken. Then you will, of course, add THEM to your master list of "trolls"
#manchild #idiot #selfish

Some more insurance.


Now, these are pretty harsh and bold accusations.

Please, since you are so certain of your accusations provide proof to back up your words.

Or are they just criminal harassment and libel?

  1. prove I bought a wife. I mean hardcore evidence. If you want to make the claim, prove it. Last I knew she has a mind of her own and makes her own decisions.

  2. Prove that I am jobless. I mean you state a pretty firm accusation. Prove it. Cause someone is paying my bills for work done and its not myself.

  3. creepy ** that uses everyone... Really. Pretty bold claims. And quite a wide statement. Ok, prove your words. You said "everyone" as well so you have a lot of homework to do. Otherwise your claims are criminal libel and harassment.

  4. you do nothing but take take take. Again, some pretty bold claims. Either you have some pretty solid evidence or you are making criminal and harassing comments.

  5. the last part sounded like a threat.

Prove you bought a wife. OK

Title says it all. Honest people have a JOB already.

Here's a booster campaign you did, again asking for others to pay for this crap.

Don't spew your propaganda BS about how selling t-shirts is a legit business. NOT when it's done this way! You are a snake, evil filthy snake, who wants the world to pay his way. Nothing but a bum and now pissed off because proper authorities were alerted to your ponzi scam. The only place you belong is in a prison cell or a padded cell.

Proof I sold T-shirts. People bought T-shirts. I got money.

To this day I do not see how you guys get upset about that.

As to the rest, well its a permanent record of your harassment.

All on the blockchain now.


And proof you e-begged for a slave wife. And she is a slave. No license, no English as a second language classes, an unsuitable cooking stove, mining rigs all over the house while she's upstairs trying to keep herself sane by crafting, you forcing her to do videos, taking care of chickens, making 3 hot meals a day, gardening, hauling water to your stupid shed while you are doped up on pain killers. Yep. She's a slave.
Don't even get me started at the abuse you bestow on your daughter. Has she been let out of a chair or crib yet so she can learn to crawl?

1: You didn't buy a wife, your YouTube subscribers did. At best, she has half a mind of her own.

2: We can't prove a negative. You prove you have a job.

3: Personally, I would have used "almost everyone."

4: When is the 100,000 subscriber giveaway? We're still waiting for that one, or did I miss it in all the excitement?

5: Reads more like a plea for intervention to protect the vulnerable.

sass (47) · 54 minutes ago

He flagged my comment. Here it is again in case you missed it...

You're ranting now, I'm not going to take part in your sillyness
If this EVER makes it to court YOU'LL be asked those very questions. Then, under oath, you'll have to decide to tell the truth or not. Up to you if you want to perjure yourself. It doesn't affect MY life in anyway! I'm simply the viewer, the audience, the fan...YOU are the celebrity, the public figure, the YouTube star. YOU'RE the one that chose to put your private life on the interwebs for money...not I. It's all about you baby!

You want "creepy? OK

@6:15- 6:30 you talk about feeling this young man thrashing all night. Your cot is right under him! Yep you are creepy.
Want to try and say I edit your videos? This is your video Mr. Creepy.

Wait, did Mr. Reid request proof of creepy? Here are two screen caps from his videos on his Youtube channel in which he demonstrates "affection" for his wife by LICKING HER FACE!


So, what are you implying here?

Camping is honest and good, clean fun.

I do not see your problem.

Troy, it's 2018. Being gay is not a crime any more.

Why don't you just admit that you prefer the company of men. The only time we have ever seen you smile is in male company.

It's so obvious to everyone but you, apparently. Free yourself from the chains of secrecy. Come out, today. Your true followers will admire you more, for your strength of character.