Claiming your free Stellar Lumens (for Bitcoin Holders) - Here is how you do it!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Claiming your free Lumens:

If you hold any amount of Bitcoins, can sign a message showing you own them, and can verify yourself via facebook you will get some free Lumens.

Stellar AirdropI was able to connect about 35.3 Bitcoins and I was given 0.4 Bitcoins (about $1,000 at the moment) worth of Lumens all for free! See my Lumens wallet below: Firstly if you don't know what or why this free coin was dropped go here:

Step 1)

Create a Lumens Wallet. I did that here: (you can go anywhere else you find though).

Step 2)

Claim Using Bitcoin Wallet and follow the instructions.Go to and click the

You will have to verify with your facebook account (make sure you are logged into facebook).

Step 3)

Sign a message with your Bitcoin Wallet. The easiest way is of course a Trezor. If you do not know what a Trezor is people seem to like my review I wrote when I first bought one here: Buying a Bitcoin Trezor

Step 4)

Log into your Stellar Lumens wallet and your Lumens should be there instantly! You now have a new free altcoin. If not leave a comment and I will try to help you :)

There is another free airdrop coming up soon (early July), so remember to follow me and I will give you the details of it soon!


I will try this tomorrow

Great - let me know how you go!

click here!This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @hackerwhacker! For more information,

This comment has received a 3.69 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hackerwhacker.

Thanks - I was going to write up the same guide :)
Claimed my Lumens today but only received ~3000.
35 BTC... impressive!

Great! Make sure you jump on the next byteball one :)

I actually share the locations of my Bitcoins every month here --->

I'm already registered for the Byteball Airdrop :) Thanks!

Perfect! These giveaways are fantastic :)

Agreed. Free money!
Wish I had more BTC to get more freebies lol

Another incentive to get on the Bitcoin train! haha

To be honest if it wasn't for Steem I would not have known about the last byteball airdrop so I have to thank!

thanks for the tutorial :)

got a nice stash to dump for bts/btc

No problem :)

Thanks a lot btcmillionaire stellar for free :)

Now worries! Did you claim your free coins?

I'm going to do it man

Great! Let me know how you go with it!

I tried that shit over and over, does not work, I am using coinbase and for some reason the sign message part isn't going through

Step back for a second and lets see what we can do. You had your Bitcoins in a wallet (coinbase) during the screenshot of the blockchain on the 26th of June?

I do not use Coinbase So I won't be able to help with their wallet but are you able to sign messages on coinbase? If not then you are likely in trouble.

My suggestion would be to ask a question directly on their Bitcoin Talk thread here -->

They will either answer you there or someone who had their bitcoins in a coinbase account might be able to help you out.

Other than that you should get a Trezor or another hardware wallet before the next airdrops!

The problem is with Coinbase I can't sign the message, I copy and paste it several times, went through the instruction directly from their site, I was able to set up the Stellar with your link but the "sign message" part took the fuel out of the engine. The distribution ends in less than an hour, so I guess I would have to wait another time. I am trying to get a Trezor but its difficult, am not base in the US, and getting this through customs here is probably a losing battle

Where did you read the distribution ends in less than an hour? I believe you have until some time in August to claim your Lumens.

Lots of time to think about what you can do.

If Coinbase really is the problem you could import your private keys into another wallet and sign the message there.

Just to confirm from their site:

"August 27th, 2017: The bitcoin lumen program will conclude. If there are unclaimed lumens, they’ll go to’s operational fund and to the Build Challenge."

Lots of time to sort it out :)

I have quite abit there, I don't want to play around to much with it, so I gonna let this giveaway pass, the headache but painful enough, thanks a lot for the post and the offer

No problem man, if you have a lot of Bitcoins you really need to get a hardware wallet. Not sure how you will do it if your location is hard.

Good luck!

Thanks for this! How often can you claim?

Need to follow their site to see when the next one is up. The blog always has updates

Not sure what they have planned yet. Of course Byteball will be doing another one in early July. I will make sure I write about it!

Yeah I was introduced to byteball fairly recently and it is awesome. Other than byteball and stellar, are there any other similar things out there?

Nothing that I know of at this stage. But I will be following it closely!

I think potential new coin developers will be following this model closely and more will be on the horizon!

click here!This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @btcmillionaire! For more information,

Worth it :D

WOW now you can all help with my Steller Africa Anti Poverty program!

And now i have a REAL on the ground Grass Roots Steemit Africa csampaign going with @tj4real and @xpency i am SO happy to see steller get some buzz finally! I knew it would have its time!

please check out how i got these two african to the top of Steemit #Africa or And to the front page of #cryptocurrency with THOUSANDS of dollars thanks too all the generous steemiit hales and theirpowerful upvotes and now alll african steemit members see HOPE for their future on this platform as SUPPORTINg developing ntion wh need it the most!

they go to #africa and see the Top story isnt just a few bucks like it used to be, no now theres several hundred and a few THOUSAND and even $2000 posts (or at least untikll proce correction today lol i BUT this shows all the african on steemit that PEOPLE CARE about Africa an that they can POST ABOUT africa and not just aboyt Bitcoin or crypto related stuff, wellthey always will MIX the two and post about BOTh but they can also just post about theur local culture, share it wth us AND make moey doing o thus helping to preserve SO many indgenious cultures around the world using our technology!

Just imagine when we save some of these FRE stellers for peopel in africa and wait for steller to be $100 or even $1000 each! its why i bought over 1000 of them while they were still 4 cents now 2 to 3 cents so an even better deal! but imagine if we just each save $30 dollars worth of steller or 1000 of then wait for each steler to be $1000 each, an give 1000 people $1000 each to start their new lives get smartphone sinetrnet prepaid and some rent mney and EACH one of us could end poverty for a thousand people ! if just one thousand of us did this we could bring 1 millionpeople out of poverty! If just 1 million of us did this we could bring 1 BILLIOn people out of poverty which wuld END global poverty because only 800 million humans go hungry everynigt as chronically undernourished, and so we just need to hit that 1 billijn mark which we can DO by each saving up an extra 1000 steller for only $30 each! and each one of us can help 1000 people with $1000 when steller is worth $1000! eveb at $100 it can help end poverty and be enoigh for a smartphone and internet and enough time to make their own oney on steemit!

and YES theres enough steemt for everone! stemit was BUILT for 2 billion members and to BECOOME the bank of th worlds unbankable! Its more powerfyl than w can EVER imagine its like we are playing with nuclear power and we dont even know it

is there still a way to claim ?