You won't find a one-stop-shop for Crypto, its nature is to be decentralised so expect to cobble together your own jigsaw of pieces to achieve your goals.
If you're just starting out, you need a fiat exchange first and then a private wallet. You probably shouldn't be looking at alt-coins until you're on top of those 2 things first but it never hurts to take your time and learn as much as you can first.
As for Ripple. I hate it. I've never been so happy to see a crypto drop 50% like it did over the last week. It might be a good investment but if Ripple wins then we will just get more of the same cronyist banksterism that Crypto tech should be solving - not embracing.
I share the same sentiments regarding Ripple. No offence to those who had invested in it. But I just don't like how a few people has control over the majority of XRP.