I address the relationships between banks and crypto in one of my recent posts if your interested: "Cryptocurrency to me is different than what you may see on the news and in many other places. I don’t think I am on the same page as many within the cryptocurrency community. Though I know I am not alone as there are many currently developing cryptocurrencies that are utility based and go beyond simply being able to move money around like Bitcoin and more focused than a broad app development platform like Ethereum.
Bitcoin or Litecoin are not the future for cryptocurrency and I don’t think banks will go anywhere anytime soon. Don’t get me wrong, banks should be very afraid of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, they are worried about the wrong thing. Big banks are worried about lost revenue because they will be disintermediated (not needed). Instead, they should be worried about understanding cryptocurrency and being able to leverage new data points from it and interact with it. That is what has the power to dislodge current banking giants. I am not talking about decentralized banking movement within the crypto community, but I am talking about some small regional bank turning into the next Chase or HSBC."
Follow @byzantinehash if you like it.