A better future for you and me

Recently there have been many articles written about Fermat and the Internet of People. Most of them are about the technical aspects of it and the advantage.
In this article I would like to explain through my own words and feelings about why I have decided to join Fermat.
Let me tell you a bit about myself first: I’m a working mom of 35 years old, with a 2-year old son. I’m working long days in an crowded office, just so I can provide enough food and comfort to my family.
To be honest, the Dutch government leaves you no other choice these days: the wages for working fulltime help to barely make it through a month. So if I choose to work less so I can spend more time with my son, then I wouldn’t be able to pay my rent. Or my health insurance. I’ll have to choose something to stop paying. But that’s no choice either, then I will start making debts. And the government is very strict and harsh on people with debts. They do not care at all about what the cause is of these debts. Instead, someone is being punished very hard for that, until you’ve repaid everything back. On top of that, I have to bring my son every day to a daycare. If it would be a good one, then I wouldn’t be upset about it. The daycares in the Netherlands are not so good anymore as they used to be: a room full of crying children, with less group leaders. And who’s fault is that? Right, the government: a few years ago they decided to fire a lot of the group leaders from daycares and kindergartens. Their reason for that: there is not enough money. Well of course not, if they keep stuffing it in their pocket, instead of using it for what it was meant for.

Well, let me tell you: I’m fed up with that. I’m fed up with the fact that the big corporation bosses just fill up their wallets, while I’m working the long hours with low wage and bad working conditions.
I’m fed up with the government that closes their eyes and pretends nothing is wrong. There’s a lot wrong in this world. And unless people wake up and want to make a change, things are going to get a lot worse, until we reach a point where there is no going back anymore.
I think this is something that isn’t applying just for The Netherlands, we have these problems all around the world.
Fermat wants to change that. They want a better future for the next generations. I want that too, that’s why I joined them. I want a better future for my son; a future where he can get every opportunity possible, and live a long, healthy and happy life. Isn’t that what every parent wishes for his children?
I wish I were a programmer, then I could really have contributed to make that change. I joined Fermat anyway, and I’m helping where I can, with the skills I’ve got. Perhaps it’s not much, but at least I am doing something.
So, are you a talented programmer? Or do you posses other skills that might be helpful to us?
Do you want to contribute in shaping a better future for all of us? Then join Fermat.
You can reply under this message with your e-mail address and I will send you an invitation to our slack channel, where you can learn more about what we are doing.

Here is some information in advance.

https://medium.com/@luisfernandomolina/f-projects-90e6e2b0e640 https://medium.com/@luisfernandomolina/introducing-redtooth-70a74f8d5f9f