A Real Crypto Investor

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The next crypto bullish run you should act this way ;)


Check out my previous posts on my crypto blog

  1. The Transition to a Crypto World and the Way your Perceive Value - https://chesatochi.com/transition-fiat-crypto-world/
  2. Decentralized Infrastructures Coins and Their Mysterious Power - https://chesatochi.com/decentralized-infrastructures-coins-mysterious-power/
  3. Crypto Market – Craziness of the Market and DIP - https://chesatochi.com/crypto-market-craziness-dip/
  4. CoinGecko – Little Trick to Convert any Crypto to Fiat Money Value - https://chesatochi.com/coingeko-crypto-fiat-conversion/
  5. Top 20 Crypto Tips for Investing and be Smarter with your Decisions - https://chesatochi.com/top-20-crypto-tips-investing/ -
  6. Top ICOs February 2018 - https://chesatochi.com/top-icos-february-2018/

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Steemit: @Chesatochi Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxBy3jgPPZAcS77W4r-NEbA Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chesatochi_com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chesatochi_com/ Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Che-Satochi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chesatochicom-341669299559763/ Disqus: https://disqus.com/by/chesatochi/ Sola: https://sola.ai/chesatochi

Crypto Blog

Crypto Blog: https://chesatochi.com Crypto Resources: https://chesatochi.com/resources/


The story of my life in just two images haha. regards chesato!

You try to spend less on food ;)

Not only do I get to buy more crypto, it's also a way to lose weight! haha

It is like the Weight Watcher!

Food is Important For our health sir No better life no Steemit..

This is real man ..... every person into Crypto can relate to this images. hehehehe

Hahah this amazing every time big idea give us better life ..thanks for the post sir you always be Good Sir

Crypto is more important ;)

I can relate to this image. I can see myself on this lol ...

We want to always buy the next Bitcoin ;)

Ha Ha Ha...
Very funny....
This amazing every time big idea give us better life .

Yepp :D
Spending hundreds on a coin and then counting every penny at the grocery store hahaha

In real life, we need a balance ;)

i think you are a genious.
your invest is perfect.
carry on please...

Very amazing post sir ☺☺☺

@Upvote done

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