From what I heard and read, the gulden is more of a pump and dump scheme. Sure it remained after that, but I had no idea people still used it to do transactions etc.
So my advice would be that you should cash out when you can make a profit and forget about it. But what do I know, I said no to BTC in 2009 ;)
Hmm I can't really see how it's a pump and dump scheme because the price has been very stable for a pretty long time. Or am I missing something?
But of course I'm gonna sell high haha
When it was introduced in the media(local, only in the Netherlands) it spiked and the graph really looked like a pump and dump. Or is there another currency that sounds like a long lost currency(I still have real guldens).
Haha I still have real guldens too.
I don't know, it might just be e-gulden or guldencoin or whatever. Gulden (NLG) is a newer currency.
There should be a law against naming things similar to other things ;)