Greedy ness makes man to invest in it..
Toooo many cryptocurreny launching each day..
Very hard to predict which one will turnout SCAM..
Hope u keep writing on such topics..@tolkatore..
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Greedy ness makes man to invest in it..
Toooo many cryptocurreny launching each day..
Very hard to predict which one will turnout SCAM..
Hope u keep writing on such topics..@tolkatore..
Here is my post on this, I hope it helps - spend some time and research
How to pick cryptos with future potential
1 – look for a strong team with experience
2 – are they planning to or in the process of solving a real-world problem
3 – is the project transparent, accountable and active
4 – is there a clear understandable and on point whitepaper
5 – do they have a road map and are they following it
6 – are milestones set and achieved
7 – have they been accepted by large and reputable exchanges
8 – have they made partners in the business arena or are they actively pursuing same
9 – is their token truly needed for their project and not just a funding venue
10 – are they compliant and looking to be compliant and avoid legal troubles
11 – is there a large enough market for the project to be viable long term
12 – use critical thinking and look to find obstacles against their success
13 – is there energy, excitement and marketing effort being put forth and not just hype
14 – is there enough community support for the project to have it reach critical mass
15 – is the financing model flawed (such as pre-mined and mostly centralized, and/or highly inflationary)