Rapids Network March 2020 Review


Hello everyone! And welcome to this quick review of Rapids Network's March 2020 activity.

I will quickly sum up the first quarter of 2020 which has just ended, leaving the door wide open for the second quarter.

March 2020 was really very complicated from all points of view, political, economic, social, sanitary and then followed by 'Epidemic - Pandemic - Quarantine - Containment'.

All the nations of the world continue to closely watch all news programs for the daily briefings from scientists and specialists as we, again, as one world together experience an unprecedented event they has affected all humanity.

We have all lived through very hard times and we don't yet know what the future holds for us, but what we do know is that all the communities of Rapids Network have been ever present. We have remained in solidarity and we are taking care of ourselves, despite the distance.

As a community, we have established a place of trust, we can count on each other, we know how to support and help each other. Simple small actions and daily care are just what we need to cheer us up and continue to move forward in this still uncertain future.

But no more doom and gloom, let's get down to serious things. As described above, Rapids Network's activity (as well as all the companies, projects and governments in the world) needed to adapt and this unfortunately took some time.

The first big news in March is that for people who have their Rapids (RPD) staked on MyCointainer Staking platform can benefit from one month at 100% of their reward, that is 0% fee for MyCointainer (but in early March their site encountered a problem, so this month the 0% fee started on March 10th and will end on April 10th, so you still have some time to enjoy it too).

On Saturday 7th March we were able to watch a great football match between our BOA partner the UK Premier League football club Burnley FC and Tottenham Hotspur, which took place at home of the Clarets in their beautiful Turf Moor stadium. Unfortunately this was the last Football match we got to watch that involved Burnley as a few days later, it was decided that all sporting events were suspended for an indefinite period.


After about ten days, when it was much more important for everyone to keep up to date with the news around the world and take note of new government directives, Rapids Network wanted to give the community a little time to find their new bearings and make their own personal arrangements for what we are about to face.

Rapids made an unscheduled announcement on Thursday 19th March with a complete overhaul of Rapids Logos and images created with a new sleek and more elegant professional design. They also made the announcement of the imminent arrival of Rapids Network 2.0


On Friday, Christophe published a detailed and complete guide explaining how to Stake your $RPD and especially how to benefit from it in the long term through a passive income: "Ultimate Guide for Staking Rapids ($RPD)".


On Sunday March 22nd, Rapids made a further announcement that we were to be listed on InstaSwap allowing users to benefit from much more possibilities to purchase RPD and with an added advantage, allowing the user to finally use our credit card for this by adding additional pairs with FIAT Currencies (USD, GBP and EUR).


On the same day Rapids launched a new series of AMA 'Ask Me Anything' where members could ask any questions they wished directly to our founder Corey Strong (You can find the beginning of these questions via this link).


On Monday, March 23rd we also released a small preview of the upcoming new features for Rapids Desktop Wallet 2.0


On Thursday March 26th a new poll is submitted to the Community to find out which one of the 10 Cryptos proposed by Staking Rewards will be listed from April on their Data & Staking Provider site. As a reminder, here are the 10 Coins Proposed:

  • Kusama (KSM)
  • Elastos (ELA)
  • Dune Network (DUN)
  • QLC Chain (QLC)
  • Rapids (RPD)
  • ColossusXT (COLX)
  • Divi (DIVI)
  • Nexus (NXS)
  • Edgeware (EDG)
  • Lition (LIT)

Very quickly all the Rapids communities around the world got actively involved, momentarily forgetting the on-going global news that cannot be pleasing, we put all our passion and desire to help with this poll.

Rapids community have demonstrated that they will do everything to provide the support that Rapids (RPD) deserves and quickly 2 projects stood out from the pack:

  • Rapids (RPD)
  • Nexus (NXS)

We were very close to Nexus results, but still remained behind them, we redoubled our efforts, unfortunately this was not enough compared to Nexus (NXS) - Ranked 200th of market capitalization with 8.2 Million Dollars.

On Sunday March 29th the poll ended and out of a total of 1988 votes counted:

  • 44% are in favour of Nexus (NXS)
  • 34% for Rapids (RPD)

While there was only one place available, to the General Surprise of the community, Staking Rewards generously announced that it won't just be Nexus (NXS) that will be listed on their site, but both Nexus (NXS) & Rapids (RPD)

A great victory and once again we have seen the power, strength and support that all the Rapids communities brings to the table on a daily basis. All this would not be possible without all the people involved in this great adventure.


Like every last Sunday of the month, TeamRPD is organizing its 'CoD Mobile Tournament' and for this edition, they decided to look at things differently and to bring even more suspense and challenge, on March 29th, the first round of a small tournament took place, with 16 players competing in 8 games, qualifying 8 players, who will compete in Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and Finals on Saturday April 4th and Sunday April 5th, 2020. Congratulations to the first qualifiers and good luck for the next rounds.


On the same evening, Sunday 29th March, the second AMA 'Ask Me Anything' was held, with once again the possibility for the community to ask any questions they wished to the Founder of Rapids Network, Corey Strong, but this edition is a special one, Rapids wanted to support UK's National Health Service, asking if the community would also like to participate. In less than an hour we raised 240,000 RPD, which will be doubled by the team.


Due to the popularity of this initiative, we wanted to keep it going and you can continue to participate by donating a few RPD to this address RgjkXjYNnNpUFiWbfXt1vYJH2kwqYW32zT - We are currently at over 1 Million RPD raised, a big thank you from Rapids Network for your commitment to this worthy cause.

And to end this month, we are sorry to announce some bad news, otherwise life would be too easy. We heard that the Staking platform StakingLab will be closing on Tuesday March 31st and we did our best to share the information through our associated sites and thus giving people ample time to withdraw their RPD from this platform before its closes.

So that's the end of this little review, as you can see, even if the current world events are worrying, Rapids Network is still active and we can't thank the community enough, which once again this month has allowed us to accomplish great things.

See you next month to present you what we will have accomplished in April.

Take care of yourself and those around you

Remember to regularly check up on people you can't visit.

And respect the quarantine and containment measures imposed by your country, for your own safety and the safety of others. I don't know how it works in other countries, but in France we hear all day long "You have the power to save lives", let's all become 'super heroes' saving lives by staying at home.

Thank you all for your support

See you Soon

Rapids Network

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  1. https://www.rapidsnetwork.io/
  2. https://t.me/TeamRPD
  3. https://t.me/RapidsOfficial
  4. https://t.me/rpdtipbot
  5. https://www.twitch.tv/teamrpd/
  6. https://instaswap.io/
  7. https://www.stakingrewards.com/

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Est il possible d'avoir une réponse cohérente ? vu que sur Discord, ceux qui répondent a coté de la plaque ne sont pas payer, donc j'aimerai bien avoir des REPONSES et non pas des saloperies de réponses approximatives