Almost ALL IN into BTC and EOS...

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


I was always promoting diversification and I still believe that you should have at least 10 projects in your Crypto portfolio but this time I didn't do that and I have invested 80% of my money for Cryptos into just two Cryptos, BTC and EOS.

Beside that, remaining 20% of my portfolio is made out of tokens from crypto exchanges that are sharing their profit: ABCC, BigONE, CryptoBridge, CoinEx...

Why have I made move like that?

Answer is simple, I believe that those two Cryptos are closest to mainstream adoption and they are delivering what they are made for...

Bitcoin development is steadily increasing, Lightning network is increasing number of nodes and capacity, Segwit adoption is rising and transaction fees are very low. I have never seen Bitcoin as daily money for coffee. With Lightning network or even with current fees that is very possible but I would never use Bitcoin for that.


I like GOLD and I have invested in it but I don't use it to buy coffee or some other daily transaction. There is simply no need for that. Same thing is with BTC. I keep gold to PRESERVE my money from losing its value. All governments are printing money like crazy and even major fiat currencies are losing their value over long term so we need protection from that. One is GOLD but other and better is BITCOIN. It is easier than gold for storing, transferring and spending plus there is finite number of Bitcoins. Beside all that, HUGE amount of money is already invested in Bitcoin (in mining, storing, spending and trading) and investors will support their investment by all means. Even Soros and Rothschild nave some funds that are invested into Bitcoin. Maybe they are evil but they are not stupid...

I was always BTC believer and all this developments lately are just confirming my belief...

EOS on the other side is closest to be used as leading platform for making DApps and EOS holders can benefit out of that.

EOS has great technology behind it and it can really support all needs from developers. After just few months of existence, it has become clear leader at number of transactions among all blockchains. We can discuss is number 21 block producers enough for decentralization but less than 5% power per BP is not bad number for me.

To use EOS network you have to stake EOS tokens. More DApps developed + more tokens are staked = less EOS on market market = higher EOS price.

There will be leasing of EOS tokens and you will be able to rent your share of EOS network and earn out of holding EOS.


If you are ETH holder, what benefit you had out of holding ETH while all those ICO's are made? NONE. Someone could say that benefit was price that was going up but all tokens were going up also so there was no difference between holding ETH or some shitcoin. As a long term stock market investor, I have always liked blue chip companies with dividends. With them you have some kind of guaranteed income and when you invest your money, you calculate some guaranteed return no matter what is happening on the market.

EOS is that blue chip stock for me and no other crypto platform can compete with EOS at moment.

My investment in profit sharing exchanges tokens is again to earn money to buy more BTC and EOS out of dividends that I am getting.

I would like that my list of investments is longer but at moment I don't see any reason to invest into anything else beside BTC and EOS.

I would like to hear your opinions about this and what are your Crypto investments.



enjoyed it 👏👏👏
may i know your opinion on Tron? your fundamental opinion 🙇‍♂️
thanks in advance

I like Tron because of its marketing. Justin Sun does very aggressive marketing( maybe too aggressive for me) but in any business, most successful products are usually not best ones... He just has to find way to incentivise holding of TRX...

thanks my friend 🙇‍♂️

@cicbar this is a wise chose my bro.
EOS is going like crazy, and I mean it. Next stop is 10$ and then 18$. I'm also in EOS

👍 😃

I am for a good amount of time an "all in" type of investor. Over 95% of my money are in XRP. Btc is too expensive for me and I am more into alts at my playing level. Although I haven't ever invested in EOS there's a lot of advertising around it and I believe that it is a good investment.
Good luck with your "bets" neighbor and see you on the top of the wave!

Why you have invested so much in XRP? When I saw that founders hold more than 50% of tokens, that was red flag for me plus more important is that they are not incentivizing XRP usage for banks money transfer...

It's not for long term. It's in the top three, it's cheap and it gets a lot of advertising.

Valid reasons but I want to believe in my investment and I just can't believe in XRP because of reasons that I have wrote before.

I get your point.

What are you based on when you say that a crypto is cheap or expensive?

I don't understand why BTC is too expensive. If you do invest x amount in RXP, you could also have invested X amount in BTC. Your investment stays the same, the only downside is that you don't have so many coins of BTC compared to XRP, but the investment stays the same.
I can understand that it feels strange to invest X amount and only get 0.0XXXX BTC compared to 2000 RXP for instance.

It's about how much is BTC down from its previous ATHs and how much is XRP. This what I am betting on with the cheap XRP. If I invest for example 1000 dollars in BTC I get 0.14 BTC and supposedly I sell that amount at the price of $20,000 per coin I will have a profit of $1,800. If I invest $1,000 in XRP I get 2859 coins and if I sell them at $3.25 I will have a profit of $8291 considering that I will sell the coins at the past ATHs and not any other prices. That's what I had in mind: the potential profit. For a small investor like me alts seem more profitable.

No I understand, I did interprete expensive in another way!
Thanks for the explanation!
Makes sense now and time will tell if it was a good gamble or not!

It a good idea but also highly unlikely. Ripple has a huge supply but little price. It be much harder to 2x.

Unfortunatelly I don't hold any cryptos except few steems, but I agree. From what I know about crypto currencies, EOS seems like a blue chip stock of crypto world. And you have to look at it as long term investment.

You should look a bit into Crypto nad find what you like :-)

One is GOLD but other and better is BITCOIN.

Quite right, @cicbar. As far as the gold is concerned, you don’t have it if it’s not physically with you. Buying “contracts” is the same con as fiat. If you keep keys, bitcoin is always with you.

А сад о Скоруму — шта мислиш о овоме?

"Buying “contracts” is the same con as fiat"
Agreed 100%...

That is a good investment decision you have made, I am investing more into passive income cryptos like steem, Eos , Ark and Neo . I will looks into these profit sharing exchanges that you listed and see how profitable it is to invest on them

I like NEO but sold I have sold my NEO to buy EOS because I believe that it is better...

You are simply one of the best out there talking about BTC and EOS. 👍Thanks for your updates and all the work you do educating/informing for this community.

Best of luck!

Thanks 😀

Sounds that I should increase my holdings in EOS in stead of Ethereum. Your analysis looks legit!
And the good thing is that the current EOS price is still way below my average book prize, so that could be a win-win situation!

I believe that EOS is 100$ token in the future so any price under 10$ is good for accumulating in my opinion. That is what I am doing now. Powering down from STEEM and buying EOS. I love Steemit and I will leave around 2k SP but everything else goes into EOS 😁

Well then EOS to the moon and further :)


Lately so many projects do not bring anything tangible, the moral of your analysis, always put your money where real community and utility are.

True. Only new project that took my interest lately is Elastos but I am still researching and I haven't invest anything into it.

Nice article. You can’t go wrong with EOS and BTC in my opinion. I think everyone should also have some of their money in other projects like Stellar and/or Ripple. I say that because they’re targeting a completely different market...the banks. Most are no fans of centralized banks. That said, they aren’t going away anytime soon...and they have a ton of backing. That said, why not profit from it?

I don't have problem with banks but I don't like at Ripple that they are not promoting usage of XRP. All that business with banks doesn't have anything with XRP and I am sorry for that. If they are pushing XRP to be used for bank money transfer, XRP would be HUGE...

Actually they are promoting the use of XRP. They've got 2 products that are being tested, X-Current (nothing to do with XRP) and X-Rapid (which uses XRP). Both are being tested. While companies could use X-Current without X-Rapid, financial institutions have incentive to use X-Rapid, along with X-Current, as it will save them time and money. I believe AMEX is the latest company to announce testing of X-Rapid...but I'll have to look that up. Either way, Ripple is promoting XRP. As with all projects, time will tell if/when it ever actually gets used. That said, if it does, price will explode. Same concept with XLM. This is why I recommend having just a portion of your portfolio in one or both of these coins. If they ever take off, sky will be the limit.

I think a smart idea could be to invest in the top dogs in the industry now

Good informative article friend.
This is really helpful for crypto lovers...

Bitcoin very nice information of us

thanks a lot for support, man, gonna reblog your post for that