Eobot: Guide for Mining in the Cloud.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello friends, today I want to show you a way to mine cryptocurrencies, but in this case without the need to invest money.

Eobot is a page that allows you to carry out this practice that has become very popular among society, in a simple way and without cost although somewhat slow, but it is a good way to start without having to invest several thousand euros / dollars in a miner.

The first thing to do is go to Eobot and register on the page, as the main page will show all the coins that can be mined.

The registration process is very simple, just put a first and last name, an e-mail account, a password and a captcha. It is important to mention that to access a key will be sent to the mail every time you log in, as shown in the image below:

Once inside they are shown as I have mentioned a panel with all the cryptocurrencies that can be mined and their basic information such as the name, the amount we have accumulated of said currency and its abbreviation, the dollar value of each currency and the value of the amount of that cryptocurrency we have at each moment, at the beginning all will be at zero, so nothing can be done at the moment.

To begin, you must select the cryptocurrency to be mined, then go to Products and within that tab there is the Faucet option. When entering a captcha will appear and when filling it will appear below an amount of the cryptocurrency that we had selected

Right now you already have a small amount of the cryptocurrency that has been selected. We already have a very small capital and until the next day we can not choose to make another Faucet, since it is one a day.

Now it's time to buy mining power. The ideal is to buy Cloud Mining 4.0 for 24 hours, which is cheaper. It is good to point out that daily Faucets can be used with either cryptocurrencies or to obtain mining power.

The ideal strategy is the first day to employ the 24 hours mining Dogecoin or Bytecoin, although they do not have much value, they are very easy coins to mine and they are an excellent option to start and should go up in value little by little.

You have to be patient, as the profits will grow little by little. The first day the mining will be done slowly, but the second day with the Dogecoin that was previously received and the new Faucet, you will win and you can invest a little more power.

It is recommended that during the first week the Faucet be used to obtain mining power and that 50% of the Dogecoin obtained be used to mine the cryptocurrency of your preference.

At first the amount of money that originates will be ridiculous and almost insignificant, but in the long run it will allow to obtain a great capital, everything will depend on the dedication that you lend to this.