Clearify - Introducing SCAM FLAGGING SYSTEM - (2 projects, 1 cryptocurrency POLL)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

If you’re a twitter user then you’re probably aware that whenever someone high profile in the crypto space tweets, a spammer very quickly comments with a fake tweet. The spammer more often than not uses a fake identity to make them look like the high profile tweeter.

Within the spam tweet they promise free crypto coins for a smaller amount of crypto sent to a crypto address. THIS IS A SCAM!

Clearify have a brand new solution!


From now on any crypto address that we see, find or that is reported to us as being a 'potential scam address’, will be added to Clearify’s Scam Flagging System.

We will notify the scammer/user in a public tweet that their address has been added to Clearify’s Scam Flagging System - anyone can then search the address and see that the address is a potential scam address.

This is a brand new feature and service meaning another use for Clearify. To search potential scam crypto addresses you can go to - Just copy, paste and search.

Also, if you find a potential scam address then head to Report a Scam at Clearify at - and we’ll take action.

POLL - 2 project, 1 cryptocurrency. Clearify & ClearPoll -

Clearify New Feature Final.png