The problem with remote viewing of so called future is there is no future written in stone. There are just infinite number of future you can 'enter'. So there is future where Btc went up and future where it went down, and everything in between. So what future did remote viewers 'decode' as real if none of them is 'real'? If they saw in remote viewing session that Btc will go up, most likely remote viewer will end up in reality where that will happen. What you believe, you will experience.
It's big difference remote viewing something that already happen, because it's happen and most likely you will remote view that thing or event as it is.
Future, it's much complicated. Not saying it can be done, but in sense history is written in stone so it's easier to remote view it than something like future which isn't written yet.
It's funny to write this comment because that future and past are happening right now, so why would be any difference to remote view past or future? Tricky and psychedelic question!
They have attempted to account for these issues to some extent by averaging the results seen by multiple viewers and also by not viewing the numbers directly.
In theory, the more people tune in to their predictions, the more likely they may be to manifest within the collective.. but at the same time, since any prediction is just a measure of the energy of the moment - the accuracy is in no way guaranteed.
Yes, there is no one who can predict future 100%. You can just sense energy from the point you are in. I would say if you are somewhere around 80% accuracy, you are on to something. Well, if you are 51% correct and 49% wrong, that also show some gift. (No joke!)