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RE: Them Damn Banks

I agree with the banks fighting back. In my profession, forensic investigators are diving deep into blockchain tech to find hidden assets when a spouse tries to hide their assets in crypto to avoid having to divide funds in a divorce. The courts are catching on and slamming people who are caught.


See this is the thing, when people abuse the relative anonymity of crypto in such illegal ways it hurts the entire space. Most people who want to use crypto just want a good investment that allows them 24/7 access to their funds without needing the govt's approval. I for one pay my taxes on capital gains just like with stocks, real estate, etc. and am not looking to cheat any ex. I imagine most people are like me in this regard. But we get screwed by govts justifying draconian levels of control by using these examples of people using crypto to try to skirt the law. This is how it gets harder and harder for everyday people to invest their income in the best performing asset of the last decade, and likely also the next decade.

Oh my goodness, yes! Absolutely! Someone who gets it! I keep seeing these articlez come up at mertings written by actual Judges ok why crypto and its users needs to be crucified and they literally cite people losing their priv keys as being a worthy reason not to get into crypto. These reports essentially say people are too stupid to manage crypto and if they had a bank they could contact customer support and get a replacement card if they lost theirs as opposed to losing priv keys with no recourse.

"Forensic Investigators" are a whole other level of uniformed opinion being posed as facts. I was on one case where a forensic investigator charged a client $7,500 literally to follow the public ledger through like 12 addresses.