With the now thousands of cryptocurrencies in existence, it can be a real headache tracking all your exchange trades plus monitoring the performance of your crypto portfolio to see if you are winning or losing!
If you have Ninja-like Excel skills then maybe you have an XLSX crytpo spreadsheet that gives you some idea but it's not something portable unless you have posted as a Google sheet. We know, we have been there!
A solution to this problem is now available from Pandoon™
The team at Pandoon have developed a fast-loading website application that can track your trading performance for any currency on all exchanges.
All you need to do is create an API key set (do not tick the WITHDRAW ability, it needs to be read access rights only). Most of the exchanges will have a link in your profile called "API" to help you get your keys. Don't leave these lying around your PC or email.
API Keys are a secure way from 3rd-party apps to have limited access to your cryptocurrency exchange accounts so they can use the information in their APP.
Just enter the API keys from your exchange account into the settings page on your Pandoon account and hey presto! your exchange trading account history will be synchronised over to display in the Pandoon Dashboards.
Supported Data Types for tracking:
BS = Buy / Sell
D = Deposits
W = Withdrawals
M = Markets
CSV = Transactions CSV Upload
We are testing it out now and best of all so far it is 100% free!
Pandoon is now in open beta and registrations are open! Stop by the Pandoon Telegram channel to meet the team and report any issues, enjoy!
Give it at try at https://pandoon.cash
Their Twitter is https://twitter.com/pandooncash and Telegram is https://t.me/joinchat/CwWcc0JULJbacDh7umPbRQ
Seems like a good service, just started using it.
I could use something like this.... I’ve used Blockfolio and Delta and Delta apps but you have to manually enter transactions and if you want to be accurate you have to factor in transaction fees. It gets old real fast. I’ll give it a try!
keeping up to date manually is almost impossible! let us know how it goes