Today Crypt0 Gave His Views on US Government Attempts To Take Your Coins

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Today Crypt0 Gave His Views on US Government Attempts To Take Your Coins.

In his video he discusses the steps that the US government are taking to pass a bill which enables them to seize various assets, including your house, belongings and cryptocurrency.

Omar encourages all US citizens to get in contact with their local representative and tell them your thoughts on this. What I think is particularly important to realise is that many of the senators in the US are predominantly of the Baby Boomer and Generation X cohorts. They are likely to agree to any opposition to cryptocurrency currently since we are not doing enough to pass on to our predecessors our informed understanding of cryptocurrency.

I suggest calling or meeting with to your congress representatives. If you meet with them hand them a paper written on: "Crypt0 Gave His Views on US Government Attempts To Take Your Coins" followed by the URL to the video or if you phone tell them how to access the video and explain to them that you're not an expert like Omar, but you do have cryptocurrency and they are being lied to about it. Tell them that video will explain it all in full and all of Omar's previous videos. Tell them he is open and honest clearly from his videos. Plead with them to please watch this video for the future generations to come. Explain that Omar is extremely intelligent and understands where the future of cryptocurrency is going. Explain that the banks will ultimately fail and we have a system in place for this. Explain that allowing cryptocurrency value to fall will only hurt those aspiring young intelligent people like Omar. I see this as paramount to those in the US who want a prosperous cryptocurrency future.

Meanwhile around other parts of the world, Russia seems to be embracing Ethereum however they seem to have clearly hacked into Hillary Clinton's email servers. If this is true then I would surmise that; they either were paid to do it by a third party who knew about the email account OR they had operatives in the US as part of a wider plan to find weaknesses in the US infrastructure. At this point I am assuming the former - it doesn't make sense to try to destabalise the US while actively supporting cryptocurrency - or maybe it does and I'm not politically informed enough. It's possible that they could do the latter as a gesture of goodwill to speed up evolution and thus benefit themselves however I think more research is needed by a more political mind on this.

Cryptocurrency is in an uncertain time at the moment. In my view, sooner or later, it will be worth lots of money. But if it is first allowed to drop dramatically (effectively a "crash") then marketers will buy at low prices who work with the current establishment who didn't forsee cryptocurrency's success but subsequently did and deliberately set out to sabotage cryptocurrency in order to achieve the low prices.

I hope everyone in the US does the right thing.


it is crummy

Call your congressman and tell them to get real jobs, because crypto is about to destroy the system they rely on.

While I agree, I think you should pay particular attention to the final paragraph about the dangers of not speaking out about the issue of them trying in the first place. Many of them don't understand cryptocurrency but I'm sure that if they did, they would embrace it in a kind of "bottom up" process.

I suggest calling or meeting with to your congress representatives. If you meet with them hand them a paper written on: "Crypt0 Gave His Views on US Government Attempts To Take Your Coins" followed by the URL to the video or if you phone tell them how to access the video and explain to them that you're not an expert like Omar, but you do have cryptocurrency and they are being lied to about it. Tell them that video will explain it all in full and all of Omar's previous videos. Tell them he is open and honest clearly from his videos. Plead with them to please watch this video for the future generations to come.

I'm not trying to get a seat at their table. I'm trying to smash their table and put them in prisons.

lol. I used to feel the same, but I think it's cognitive dissonance that caused my anger. Looking back, I used to believe that our governments were all against us but maybe it's just me almost being 30 now and starting to reflect on my life; but I now view it as a natural phenomenon that has happened over and over again, civil war after civil war.

Older generations don't understand what us younger generations are thinking, and us younger generations fail to communicate with our predecessors. We now have the means and tools to easily communicate with them, but for some reason we are repeating all of our predecessors mistakes.

Not everyone in government is "evil" the vast majority of them are good people, they just listen to those who have influence on their day to day work life so they can earn money to feed their family or fund their retirement.

We need to take some responsibility here too, we're not communicating effectively.

I'm 42 and I couldn't disagree more. I judge people right away by how they earn a living. Government commits extortion to fund itself. Taxation is extortion by definition. Anyone receiving income from extorted funds is living a fraudulent lifestyle and is a criminal. This includes EVERYONE taking a paycheck that's paid in tax dollars which mean EVERYONE in government.

If you're a teacher and are paid with money that was collected through property taxation - you might not know it, but you're a fraud too. However, its hard to make someone see the truth if their paycheck depends on them being blind to it.

I think we're basically on the same page. I decided to put teaching on the back seat for now due to politics at work causing no end of misery and depression. Moved over to cryptomining and doing not too bad :-)

I take your points, they are valid, I just don't think everyone realises that they are being manipulated further up the chain.