Sports Betting Blockhain Projects | Proof Of Toss

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


I will continue these little reviews as new Sports Betting Related Blockchain Project keep popping up. Few of them so far have shown to be usesul when it comes down to fitting the needs for more Professional Players. My approach is to have an extremely critical view on all these ICO's which reflects on how I generally write about them. When they prove me wrong over time I will be happy to change my personal view!

Proof Of Toss is the next one on the list and right off the bat it was hard for me to take this serious since the first thing you see on their website in huge letters is "EVERYBODY WINS". This is simply factually incorrect even if they would offer 2.1-2.1 odds!

I still roughly went through their Whitepaper to get a better view on what they try to do. One of the first things they mention is their token sale (not a good sign), followed by how online betting currently operates is fraudulent, takes forever to verify, how you have no control,... I have said many times before that these are all non factors when it comes down to online betting which has proven to be very reliable, fast and safe for many years for me.

The reason blockchain will be able to revolutionise this industry is because it should allow much lower margins and always welcome winning players in a fair transparant way!

Proof Of Toss will for as far as I understand sell their tokens on Ethereum and swap them over afterwards because they will be using RSK Smart Contract platform (never heard of it) which it seems to operate with SBTC ( also never heard of it) as a form of gas. Their TOSS tokens of which there wil be 1 billion will have to be used to place the bets.

What they aim to do

The ecosystem is aimed at offering new opportunities for both the P2P and bookmakers. All parties engaging with the ecosystem will be able to do one or more of the following - create wagers, bet on various outcomes and/or verify the outcome of an event. The system will allocate funds automatically and instantly through the use of smart contracts, eliminating third parties, fraudulent activities and significantly reducing transactional costs.

Oracles This has been the most interesting idea of their project to me. From what I understand everyone would be able to participate as an oracle and wager their own TOSS tokens on giving correct outcomes. When you make a mistake you can lose what you put on the line while you can earn something for putting in correct results.


To me this project has got an interesting idea when it comes down to oracles, but just like most of the others does not really spark my interest in any way.

List of Available Blockchain Sports Betting Projects
(* The ones I look to try out myself)

Wagerr *Sports
Bookie *Sports Betting
(^Peerplays)(^Bookie Platform)(^Peerplays)
Betterbetting *Sports Betting
Blitzpredict *Betting
SportcryptSmart Contract
decent.betSports Betting -
Proof of TossSports Betting
MarginlessSports Betting
GrazSports Betting
Xwin CryptobetSports Betting &
Crypto SportzSmart Contract
GifcoinICO Book Profit
Let.BetBetting, Poker &
Goal BonanzaCorrect Score

Previous Reviews

There are some more projects I have to take a look at to complete the list...


@costanza Maybe you also look into! @hilarski, who I do follow, writes regularly updates about it! Looks like a good project. But like always do your own research!

Thanks for pointing me to @hilarski ! it's a project that has been around for long and it was in my initial post a long time ago where I listed all the different projects. I know DBET is on coinmarketcap by now and they do quite some other things aside from sports betting. From what I remember, it was less aimed towards more professional sports bettors which is what I'm personally looking for.

They have added Phill, big mounth Helmut, to their advertising campaign. It could be true that is less aimed at sports betting, cause Helmut is on of the big shots in the poker world.
I do think that it is our responsibility, to connect people. I also would appreciate if someone directs me, to another Steemian, which could be interesting to follow!

Phill Helmut seems to be involved in more crypto projects, when I fist saw him in the list of advisors / investors of Blitzpredict it gave more a negative questionable feeling to me. I watched a lot of poker back in the day and have always seem Helmut as someone of a joke. I would rather have phill Ivey or Patrick Antonius and so linked to a project.

Played a lot but rarely watched! If we compare it with football, Phil Helmut can be compared to Ronaldo. You are in favor of him or you do hate him. They is no in between for both.
If we look at the bracelets he won and how he is investing his money, he is just a genius!
Phil Ivey can more be compared with Messi, has the appearance of the ideal son in law, but I doubt that they both are!

Nice review constanza. Now I don't have to waste my time looking into them. They are so far behind many others who have a better idea behind them.

Gambling is such an easy target for projects that there will probably be many more to come. I also don't waste a lot of time on most, usually it's quie clear without having to read everything if a project has a good chance to make it or if they are in it just for the quick money.

This is where I come in :)

So rsk is bitcoin answer to ethereum-bringing bitcoin into the Dapps's arm race! You can read about it here:

and here

SBTC is a pegged bitcoin used as gas(more on my post) so um to help you reader please remove the coinmarketcap link thet incorrect :)
Cool review-might follow you now :) So found out about you from @fullcoverbetting

Thanks for the info sames !
I changed the link to your article ;-)

I've been looking for a list like this, Thank you for sharing.

There are still some projects I need to add and new ones come up all the time (feel free to point them out to me if you come across something). I will do my best to keep the list updated. Nice to hear it's useful to someone.

When you mentioned Oracles I thought oh dear this is a Wagerr knock off for sure!