On the first period they went for $0.8605, ETH 0.00325951. They got up to $6 and ETH 0.022 on the 3rd period.
Yesterday it was $1.1886 ETH 0.00650797 and 2 days ago $1.8831 ETH 0.00942956; 3 days ago it was even higher (the last 2 periods excluding yesterday were both higher than the current exchange price).
What I don't see is what the huge major win is, yes the price has gone up about 100% from the first period, but these differences between exchanges and token distribution have been fairly constant over the last 20 days.
EOS Buyers paid 0.00650797 ETH Per EOS Today they're going for about 0.00924731 ETH now. I'm talking about today 7/29/2017. Maybe this will make it easier for you EOS ICO buyers paid $1.186 vs $1.71 USD. That's huge a win in my book especially since most of the days people got shafted by buying from the ICO. To gain that amount in one day is insane!