Terminal instructions are in inline code
First you will want to go here
You will find as of right now the latest release is 1.2.2 you can download the linux version with the link below
The easiest way is to right click on the link to the zip and copy it to your clipboard.
In your terminal make a new directory called sia in your home directory.
mkdir ~/sia
Now download the zip into your directory.
wget https://github.com/NebulousLabs/Sia/releases/download/v1.2.2/Sia-v1.2.2-linux-amd64.zip
unzip Sia-v1.2.2-linux-amd64.zip
Delete the zip.
rm Sia-v.1.2.2-linux-amd64.zip
Move all the files from the newly created folder into the directory.
mv Sia-v1.2.2-linux-amd64/* ./
Delete the empty folder.
rm -R Sia-v1.2.2-linux-amd64
Now we have all of our files in the nice clean directory of ~/sia/ to work with. Let's get started. To interact with the Sia daemon we will be using the ./siad command. Let's try it now.
./siad -h
The -h option will help you navigate your way through using the Sia daemon and client. Next let's list the modules that the Sia daemon can be started with.
./siad modules
You don't necessarily need all of the modules listed. You will probably want to play with everything but the Miner and Explorer modules. Let's start the daemon.
./siad -M gctwrh &
Now that your daemon is running in the background you can interact with the Sia client.
./siac -h
So you're not synced :(
That's going to take a couple days... In the mean time you can initialize a wallet and get it funded by using poloniex.com or your favorite exchange.
Initialize a wallet. Don't lose these passwords.
./siac wallet init
Unlock your wallet.
./siac wallet unlock
Get your wallets address in order to send funds to it.
./siac wallet address
I will be covering more later on hosting and also Nextcloud and Sia.
Thank you very much for the advice. A very pleasant day
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how to view the wallet and send and receive?