Bitcoin is down 2.67% at $5,613.820 with a volume of $105.6k - $589.2M on the USD pairs.
Litecoin is down 8.66% against the dollar for the day at $62.89 and down 6.53% to Ƀ0.01118 on volumes of Ƀ7.7k.
Ether is up 1.97% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.06005 per Ether and up 0.8% against the dollar to $338.54 with average volume Ƀ23.8k on the ETH/BTC pair.
Dash is up 1.84% at Ƀ0.05446 with Ƀ3.2k volume and down 0.77% against the dollar at $305.58.
Ripple is up 11.13% to Ƀ0.00004938 with volumes of Ƀ11.4k and up 8.46% against the dollar at $0.28.
Zcash is up 0.17% for the day to Ƀ0.00004938 per ZEC and down 2.68% against the dollar to $233.39 with an average volume of Ƀ2.4k for the 24 hour period.
Monero is down 4.44% against the dollar at $94.81 and down 2.09% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.01685 on volumes of Ƀ2.0k.
Ether Classic is down 2.13% to Ƀ0.002114 with volumes of Ƀ709.218 and down 4.1% against the dollar at $11.93.
Waves is down 4.32% to Ƀ0.0006591 on Ƀ509.073 volume.
Stratis is up 4.41% to Ƀ0.0005188 on Ƀ938.839 volume.
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