Screw day job Overtime! I'm using Cryptocurrency for my extra cash $$

I've been working for "the Man" since I was a teenager. It's what so many of us were taught; go to school, get a job, get a paycheck every two weeks, and if you're lucky you can work your way up the "ladder" to a little bit bigger two week paycheck. Of course don't forget to save a little bit every month for retirement. Your banker or financial advisor can tell you how much you'll have in 20 years with their offer of a few % interest....and that's it! that's your life plan. Work work work , save save save. Our lifestyle is shaped by this regularly scheduled two week paycheck. We learn to accept that this is our place in life and unless you're willing and able to go back to college for a new career, or marry into money, this is pretty much the financial level you'll remain at for your life.

This was my life. I am a nurse, which many would say is a great job. I complain like anyone, but I'd have to agree that yes, it has been a good job and allowed me a pretty good lifestyle. However, I want more. I want to enjoy my short time on this wonderful planet. I want to play with big toys and travel to amazing places. This can be accomplished with some overtime; a few extra shifts and a few bigger paychecks. But I don't want to use up more of my time working to get what I want.

Is this selfish? Heck no it isn't. It drives me to find that "better way." Just like necessity is the mother of invention, passionate desire is the mother of ingenuity.

And so it came to me..... after many hobbies, side jobs, and investments, I came to discover the world of Cryptocurrency.

This is it, my blue and white collar working friends, our way to break out of the cookie cutter two week paycheck life and gain control of our wealth. Follow me and join me on this journey to financial freedom. I'm not expert guru sensei level, but my shoes are on and laced up and I'm off the traffic filled highway and out running on the open land. I intend to live life for my hobbies and interests and make my day job my side job (because I want to, not because I have to). Follow me and I'll share with you what I learn along the way.

Here are some links to great videos from real experts to get you started :

Follow this links to get your accounts started and Buy Your first CRYPTO!

Once you do that you'll likely want to trade; here are links to some crypto exchanges:


Nice Information, thanks !
Check out my airdrops posts too!