Dragonglass Platform

What is the purpose of Dragonglass?
According to Dragonglass website, “Dragonglass was created with the purpose of bringing cryptocurrency mining to the general public.” Until now mining cryptocurrencies has been expensive because not only the user has to buy pricey mining rigs but the electricity to run those rigs are just as bad. With Dragonglass anyone can mine with the smart phone that they carry everyday.
Price per DGS
Ethereum is needed to buy Dragonglass tokens and the conversion rate right now is 1 DGS = 0.000027 ETH. With the current price of Ethereum, that will come out to be $0.029 per token.
What makes Dragonglass different?
Dragonglass is simple and affordable and the user doesn’t need to have the knowledge of computer systems and mining equipment. All the is needed is an Android or iPhone smartphone. Also Unlike typical ICO’s, Dragonglass had a working product (game and wallet) at the launch of the ICO. They also promise more great things are coming.
How is Dragonglass mined?
Once the game and wallet is setup all the is needed to mine Dragonglass is to play the game. The goal of the game is the deeper you go, the more levels you complete. Each time a level is completed, the the user’s DGS tokens are multiplied and the maximum amount is 10 successfully completed levels.
Can the game be downloaded now?
According to Dragonglass’s website, the game is ready to be downloaded and all that you have to do is go to their website and buy a starter pack that is pre-loaded with DGS tokens. Once complete you can download the game from the app store or play store and start playing. Now I looked through their website and could not find where to purchase the starter packs and I also joined their Telegram group. In the group is where I found that even though the game and wallet are complete, they are not yet released to the public. Not sure when it will be released but on their website you can sign up to get notified via email. I will include their roadmap below.
Final Thoughts
Although they claim to be the first gamified crypto-mining experience, this claim is actually false because Electroneum announced their platform before Dragonglass. I believe more crypto’s like Dragonglass need to be developed to bring cryptocurrencies to the general public. Once that happens crypto will be more widely available and it will bring us closer to eliminating fiat all together.
Dragonglass official website - https://dragonglass.co/
I am not registered as an investment adviser with any federal or state regulatory agency. The Information should not be construed as investment or trading advice and is not meant to be a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any cryptocurrencies. The information provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Hey mate, thanks for the informative post, I had never heard of this platform so I'll have to give it a look over sometime. It's probably going to be very much dependent on how good the game itself is, so let's hope it's a good one haha.
If you are interested in cryptocurrency, my blog is going to do an overview series of the top 100 coins and it'd be great if you could give me a follow... I've just released my second post on Ethereum but I've got many more to come!
Hope you have a nice day :)
When you look deeper into the coin it's not really mining. You are not "mining" in the sense that you are with any other mineable cryptocurrency. You are just playing a game where you are a miner and then being given free coins for playing it. Playing this game contributes nothing to the blockchain. Don't be fooled by the gimmick.